Monday, December 31, 2012

Sims 3 Seasons :D

Some good luck has happened already this year!!! LOL, magically the space in the OS (the hardrive with all the software and games downloaded to) had 3.52GB FREE. I FINALLY INSTALLED SIMS SEASONS!!!! :D (each expansion pack requires at least 3.5GB)

Sorry you all probs don't care but it's really cool and so now, there are seasons in my sims game and I've already made my sims (one family) experience the Summer festival thing in central park which is really cool. They have all these activities, you can take photos of your sims and make greeting cards, skate in a skate rink (not ice since it's currently summer obv), play soccer, get a spray tan, get your face painted (though that's not very special LOL)...etc. I'm really excited to when it changes to fall coz then there's gonna be Halloween!! :D That's gonna be really cool. Also, since the family I played with today is super rich, I added another story to their house so now it's a three storey house. Unfortunately, ground level is so gross looking, so i need to redo it but yeah. My house is amazing since it's got a pool with deck chairs around it and umbrellas and a cocktail bar (my sims are experienced in mixing so they're able to use the bar), then i have a garage with a few cars tho I might get new cars soon. I have huge bedrooms now LOL because of my three storeys and I created a fitness room. Anyways, I reckon it's cool okay but my family there is huge LOL. Coz um there's the mum, the dad, teenage girl, teenage boy, female child, female toddler and male baby. I won't bother with their names tho but yeah. LOL the parents are both vamps but I wanna make someone a fairy and stuff but i think someone needs to be experienced in alchemy or I need a witch so yeah.

LOL I just realised I spent all this time discussing sims :D Oh well, it's really fun so go buy it. The most worthwhile expansion packs I reckon are ambitions, seasons, supernatural and late night. World adventures I dont really travel to the other countries. It's expensive and annoying and once I tried to cancel it so my character could quickly do something before they left but then I got stuck in another country without any of my sims ;_; I had to wait out the three days (even on speeding up by triple time it took a while) :L So yeah.

Okay, I might post again later about something else but for now, this is my Sims 3 post LOL. :D

xoxo Bernice
Guyysssss, I just read every message from 8EN2 and omg I'm so touched by everyone's message (Jade, if you're reading this, I DIDNT CRY LOL but it was so sweet what everyone wrote that I wouldn't have minded tearing up a little (; ). I don't think I wrote good messages at all to everyone :( Seriously, that day I felt total mindblank and I was rushing so much and so it was so formal sounding and I'm so sorry for everyone who was in my class last year - especially if I know you well, that I didn't write very personal amazing messages :( But love you all!! <3 Happy New Year and I thank you all for your sweet sweet messages :D They pretty much just made my day and I understand why it was good to wait till new years coz it really does start the year off amazingly. It's like MAJOR self esteem boost LOL but just so touching to read. I feel so happy and grateful and special and omg, just so happy I can't even describe it to you all!

For some people,they wrote anon messages - some I can guess, but others i have no clue LOL. But that's just clueless me :D Anyways, I hope you all had amazing messages and you felt so happy and I wish you were all here for me to give you a hug <3 I'm gonna keep this envelope of messages forever since these messages are so sweet and it's defs something I want to do with my class every year!

Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR. I hope this year is just so amazing, infinity times how happy and joyful I'm feeling right now. Best of wishes to the coming year as well as those to come and good luck to all in studies and such!!!! It's been such a pleasure to write this blog and know that people actually read it and that I'm not just posting on the internet for no one to read and getting 0 views. So yes, hope you all are so so so happy and that you all have an awesome 2013!! (which also happens to be the first year in ages to have all the numbers to be different. My sister told me that LOL and then I thought about it and was like WOAH. Since the last year with every number that was different was 1987 (: )

Thanks for making 2012 such a wonderful year and I'm glad the world didn't end (;

xoxo Bernice

P.S. Check out my scented candles :3


My room is actually clean. No joke and it took me like 15min to clean my desk :D It's nearly 2013. Hopefully I'll finish writing this before 2013 comes but idk if I can do it. Currently I can hear people illegally setting off fireworks nearby. Oh well, lots of people I know also live near dodgy areas LOL so just hearing fireworks is fine, as long as nothing scary happens LOL.

Omg, look at what my sister just found on tumblr.
Incredible Crew: Running Errands with my Mom - Cartoon Network [HD]
It's soooo funny!! Omg LOL.

Did you know there's an eyelash on my right eyeball? No? Well it's been there for several days and so my eye feels uncomfortable sometimes and it's really annoying coz I can't take it out since I can't touch my eyeball, especially since I'll most likely end up just poking myself in the eye. I don't want to be blinded for a few moments. My mum suggested eye drops o.o no thanks! I don't fancy getting funky drops of chemicals in my eye to HOPEFULLY get an eyelash out. It's at the very bottom too so I have to pull the skin down so you can see LOL. Okay that sounds gross but it isn't if you actually know what I mean LOL. But yes, it's really been bugging me and I wish it would just fall out but it looks like it's glue to my eyeball, probably because it's stuck to the eyeball goo LOL.

Guyss, I'm really worried :( I haven't seen Shadow in weeks, what if something bad happened? :( but since she's a stray and there's a chance that some other people living nearby took her into their house, we didn't put up 'LOST' posters. She's female though and my dad has a friend who said his cat disappeared for several weeks and came back with a litter of kittens. So that's another possibility which is cool but due to the amount of animals we already have I don't think my parents would appreciate it so yeah. Idk. All I can do is hope that she's not hurt or gone and that she's doing well.


xoxo Bernice

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Second Last Day of 2012. O:

Another useless day, but it's the holidays, and second last day of the year. Wow. This year went by so fast, but I kinda wanted it to at times, coz school is just so boring sometimes! I hope next year is a wonderful year and year 9 being not too busy with that dreaded hw. :L These holidays have a strange feeling to me, like they feel short or going by quickly but it's not even January yet (but nearly :p). Idk. Maybe I've been thinking too much about the future recently than just living LOL. Idk.

But, I think I'm actually going to start doing New Year's Resolutions this year which is exciting since in the past I either did not care at all, thought it was a bit dumb LOL or had no clue what they were but this year I think I shall, since one I have already sort of started. So yeah, that's pretty exciting for me (: even though it's a bit lame :p For now, my main idea for a new year's resolution would be planning my budget and making sure I'm not broke because all year I've been feeling broke and I want to be able to feel rich - well not rich but not broke okay. I don't want to always miss out on shopping trips because I spent all my money on food and random things. That's what I've pretty much started, I wrote out a plan for holidays and for school days and I'm pretty happy with it but I honestly don't know how I'll manage to fulfil it since I can't really see myself doing it LOL.

Oh and just so you know, in case you were wondering (though you probably weren't LOL) I did exactly what I did yesterday today LOL.

Just getting my sister to order two bags for me on ebay :3 They're both backpacks for school, but I couldn't really make up my mind and one can be for other occasions I guess or if one breaks o.o (I have a habit of doing that somehow...) LOL idk. But yeah, I'm getting a floral one and a panda one and the panda one comes with this panda side bag which is really cute so yeah :3 My sister was so judging tho :( she was like 'didn't you just buy a bag the other day?' (my lavender bag from equip LOL) but that's a really nice bag and the material used for it is so nice and there's no way I'd risk damaging it, taking it to school. And I'd use it for special outings and stuff coz it's so pretty! (:

Plus, altogether those bags cost me $35 which is something you could spend on one bag but I'm getting 3 so I reckon that's fair :p I think my dad might be back from fishing (which I only really found out an hour or so again but he had left earlier than that). Yeah he came back with two fish but he wants to go fishing again tomorrow LOL. Gosh, he loves fishing. I liked to go but it can be so boring when there's no fish biting. My two most memorable fishing trips was waking up in the car at 5am to get on a boat with my dad and his friend and a bunch of blokes and at first I wasn't allowed on because the captain of the boat was worried I was gonna get sea sick. LOL, good one! I never get sea sick and it took a while of explaining by my dad LOL since I've been on boats many times since I was little (omg steering the boat is so fun, seriously). Eventually I went and the other guys were really funny, especially this one guy who was really muscular and I held a small fish he caught but it slipped out of my hand and when they put it back in the water, idk if it survived but they told me it did. Idk what to believe coz I swear it was floating o.o I feel so guillty if it died ;_;

Second time was when we went to this place (i dont remember where LOL but I've been there several times) and I remember pulling off the claw of a crab coz my mum told me to catch one since I found a few and I was so scared and worried for it coz I hadn't caught one, I had pulled it's claw off! Then I found out they grow new claws which is why sometimes one claw is huge and the other is tiny, coz one broke off or something so it grows a new one. My dad's friend caught an octopus o.o And that friend, he's a chef so they clean the fish as soon as they catch so they had killed the octopus already and omfg those suction cups still work for ages after they die and it was so strong that he had to use all his strength to pull it out of the bucket to show me and he's a strong man o.o

Okay, enough about fishing LOl, idk how I got there. This is becoming a long post so maybe I should end it LOL. I've spent so much time on this post, I need to get faster at writing posts LOL. And stop getting side tracked only to discover hours later that I'm mid-post LOL.
xoxo Bernice

Saturday, December 29, 2012

I didn't do anything today :( I played sims (downloaded supernatural but i couldnt download seasons coz i dont have enough space :( ) in the morning, tried to clean a bit more but only put a pile of clothes away and watched Suits. It was very uneventful and my parents are pissed. Well it's a quiet pissed LOL.

It's so annoying, coz it's been like that for a few weeks now and geez, today is the only doing nothing day, all the rest I did something but they dont focus or acknowledge the good i do, instead they comment on everything I haven't done. Like I had cleaned up my room a bit the other day (like it went from super bomb exploded and random papers everywhere to just messy room) and my mum was like 'your room is still messy. You didn't clean it' but i did! So what if it's not pristine yet but I'm getting there.

And yesterday I spent the day clearing out one whole of my wardrobe because it was full of this huge plastic storage box, a stack of life jackets (not to mention some were really heavy), a bunch of clothes that I didn't own and were humongous on me even so (a pair of pants literally went up to my neck. WHO HAS LEGS THAT LONG. And no one in my fam actually wears that ofc and i honestly don't know why we had it), as well as a bunch of other random shit so yeah, wasn't really MY wardrobe now was it.

But yeah, my family tends to focus on everything I don't do and say nothing when i do it. I mean, say I've been super good (this happened like once LOL) and practiced clarinet everyday for a week or two and then one day I forgot to, my mum shouts at me and scolds me for not fucking practicing. Dude, I played every other day, one bad day isn't anything to get worked up about.

Anyways, I don't really want to rant further (even tho this isnt even a proper rant) but I get angry thinking about it. Oh well.

Oops, I forgot to post this. But Jade and I have been, for the past half hour or something talking about White Collar and then Matt Bomer and his kids who are so cute omg. Go google 'matt bomer and kids' LOL (on images of course) and you guys will be like awwwww. And there's this one pic where one of his kids is sitting on his shoulders with the cutest expression on his face LOL. Okay I'll stop now. Good night (:

xoxo Bernice

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sales everywhere!! :D

Hey there (; 

Yesterday I went to P'matta Westfields and I am proud to say I didn't spend all my money, I spent around $80 I think. Thoughhhh my sister did buy stuff that I use (such as Sims 3 Supernatural and Sims 3 Seasons which I'd been so excited about them coming out and since they were on sale for Boxing Day, it was so cheap!! Even tho they're new still :3) but that's cool. LOL. 

Okay, this is what happened (hopefully in order of events). 

So my sister and I walked into numerous stores but I believe the first thing I bought were skinny jeans from Glasson (can someone please tell me how to pronounce that store's name? :( It's been bugging me for days. argh.) for $15! :D They're so pretty and I was actually gonna get a different design but they weren't avail in my size so yeah. 

We then went to Cotton on Body which was having a huge sale but nothing really interested me EXCEPT for their cuddly soft and warm dressing gowns and the patterned ones were selling for $10 and I was instantly attracted when i noticed everyone was trying to grab one before the ones they liked in their sizes ran out. So I got this cute yellow one with pink hearts but in M/L but it's not too big on me and it just means in winter I'll be warmer :3. Then I got a second pair of skinnies from a store called Mink (havent heard of it but I've heard of Mink Pink...LOL) for $10! (: So that's two pairs of floral skinnies for $25 (; 

Afterwards we were walking passed a beauty day spa and I remembered that last time we walked past it there was a sign saying that they did ear piercing and I've been meaning to repierce my ears for like years now LOL. So we walked in an asked the lady and she said they did and it cost $39 but that included the earrings (which were for sensitive ears and plated in 24ct gold) and the spray to keep your ears uninfected. I picked these studs that have a crystal that looks like diamonds (tho of course they're not LOL) and they're really pretty so now every time I look in the mirror I look at the earrings LOL. The place was very clean and professional looking tho so I'm glad I got it done there coz I saw other places but they were just shops with signs that they did ear and body piercing and they looked a bit dodgy. 

Anyways, she told me I have to spray my ears at least twice a day (so I do morning and night) to keep them clean and I'm tying up my hair to keep it away from my earlobes and then once a week I have to mix salt with water and clean around the piercing..etc. Quite a bit of care instructions but that's fine, it's not very troublesome and literally takes about a minute. But repiercing in the old hole hurts more than making a separate hole. Coz my right ear, apparently the hole from before was more to the left so she pierced in the middle while my left was fine and afterwards only my left ear hurt a bit LOL. 

After getting my ears pierced we had lunch and guess what! Paramatta has a Top Juice as well! So I got the summer set smoothie again and my sister tried this other one which I didn't like as much. She had this crazy idea of getting them both large which I realised later when I noticed I could drink only like half of it and it was the same size as the one we'd shared at Burwood. And I saw Vanessa at the food court! Well she saw me and said hi which then meant I saw her and said hi LOL. I'm a bit oblivious to my surroundings sometimes ==' but I knew that LOL. 

The last thing I bought this gorgeous lavender purple bag from equip and I love it and even though I would've rather gotten the beige/light brown one it wasn't on sale ($50 ==') so screw that. It has so many pockets and I love my pockets. I bought it for $34 instead of $50 so that was exciting. And after buying it we returned to a lady at the Avani store (it's for skincare, nails and make-up. You know how they have those people who invite you over to their make shift stall and do stuff and convince you to buy it? Yeah those) to buy stuff. She showed us all this stuff earlier and it was cool. First she tried on me this nail file thing. So it has three steps and the first step is when you buff your nail and it becomes like all white and it gets rid of ridges and stuff, then it's the second step and I don't quite remember what it was but i think it was to get the blood flowing beneath the nail. The third makes all the oils in your nail come up and then your nail is all shiny like you put a natural or top coat on your nail. It's like magic O: 

The second she showed us was a skin exfoliation for the face I think but she did it on our hands and it stung a bit but it got rid of 3 layers of dead skin and all this dead skin comes off and it looks like she removed a layer of skin but when you look at your hand it's just a smoother looking version of your hand LOL. After that she put this moisturiser on our hands it blended in straight away and left our hands feeling smooth. She showed us what happened if you didnt exfoliate and the moisturiser didn't blend on your hands straight away so yeah. 

Third she showed us was this scrub thing and body butter. It was so cool. So she gives a little of the scrub stuff which is like salt and you just massage it on your hands then later she pours water onto your hands and it's the weirdest feeling. When she was doing it to my sister I thought her hands would feel slimy but they don't, it just feels really cool okay LOL. Then we put the body butter on (and you're only supposed to put a little bit because a little goes a long way) and my sister and I now have really smooth hands LOL. 

Because we bought all of it we got their makeup sets and after some more campaigning we settled for getting the nail set (so that buffing tool, cuticle oil or something and a body lotion), the exfoliater thing with moisturiser, the body butter and scrub, two makeup sets of different things plus a free extra nail set and one of the makeup sets. So I got one of the makeup sets since the nail thing can last like two years if you use it right and it can be shared really easily. 

That's pretty much it before we caught the bus home (: 
xoxo Bernice

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Boxing Day + Ema's Birthday (:

Instead of Boxing day shopping (which I would've been seriously looking forward to) I went to Ema's birthday party (yes that's how her name is spelt, though apparently that's the shortened version or her nickname (; ). She was turning 1 and she's so cute and pretty. She has light brown hair and blue eyes and a lot of the time she's serious, but when she smiles, it's like heart melting coz she's so cute! (: If only I had a nice close up photo of her!

The party was pretty much a lunch since she's little and it was at the Beachfront restaurant in Maroubra (passed school on the way there and back LOL) and so the beach was right out the 'window' which was pretty much just the walls. I didn't realise we were having an entree, a main then the dessert which is the birthday cake and I was pretty full from the entree (It was bigger than your average entree in my opinion and everyone else seemed a bit full from it). For the main I had fish and chips but I didn't like the tartare sauce so I asked for tomato but sadly I didn't finish it coz I was too full :(

Since I don't have any pictures of the food I have pictures of food from Christmas Eve! (: Sorry they're late but I totally forgot about them so I hope you don't mind viewing them (:

Summer Set Juice (super healthy) from Top Juice
and it consisted of mango, strawberries, honey,
milk, yoghurt and that's it I think.

A mix of various salads from Sumo Salad (my sis' lunch)

Chicken Katsu sushi :3 (my lunch)
 (Sorry if the setting out is a bit funky)

I might be getting my sister into The Vampire Diaries!! :D Well I just got her to watch the first ep and she liked it but she didn't want to view the second ep since she wanted to do other stuff so maybe tomorrow I can show her the second ep after I go shopping (coz some shops arent open on Boxing day sooo their sales start tomorrow >:D Going to P'matta Westfields! :D) Oh and if you guys go and end up running into me, say hi because well the people who know my blog that I've told or know they read my blog, I don't mind running into them but on Christmas Eve I saw a few year 7s. Idk I hate seeing people I know/recognise but not like know personally in public, I just hate it. I pretty much leave the store I'm in and walk into a random store (well that I like).
xoxo Bernice

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Christmas!!! :D For some reason, it doesn't feel like it, I mean when I went out for the Christmas lunch (only got back recently though) it felt like it coz they had the tree up, everyone was together, there were gifts, a lot of food that everyone brought and yeah. It was really fun and just very joyous. 

I saw Emily and I haven't seen her in a looonnngggg time and sorry none of you know her but yah, she's really nice and seeing how I hadn't seen her in ages (like maybe when I was 4? o.o idk ages ago) I discovered she had a tattoo of a babushka doll on her arm. She's really nice and my sister and her organised that we watched 'Les Miserables' together with Halle as well which is exciting and should be fun! :D 

I am so happy and thankful for my gifts coz even though I don't get as much as I used to, I still got lots of nice things and not a single thing I got did I not like. I decided to wear my sneaker wedges today which my mum gave (; They were the shoes from Windsor Smith that I got a while back (though not very long ago) and they're gorgeous! :D I also have some money now but I'm going to think about how I use it first because I really need to watch my spending! :L 

I'll upload pictures of what I bought at Typo yesterday and possible gifts from today but idk, I'll see (; Hope you all had a marvellous time or are currently having a wonderful time and that today's been a very merry christmas! :D 

xoxo Bernice

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas for tomorrow!! (:

Merry Christmas guys!! :D I know it's still only christmas eve but Merry Christmas!! (: My dad's friend is coming over to have dinner with us but no one would answer me when he's coming and when I did get an answer from my sister she didn't know. :L I'm so hungry :( Oh well, there's yummy food on the table so when I do eat I'll be satisfied (:

Today I went shopping and I saw the prettiest dress and I think it would've been perfect for like a new years eve party but I didn't end up getting it and i honestly don't know what to wear tomorrow coz I don't have anything christmasy or red and green and I don't want to dress casual but not too dressy and formal just like dressy casual :p But i got nothing! Oh well, tonight I'll have to solve that problem.

Typo was having a one day only $5 sale and I got a pack of silver lanterns for $5, 2 notebooks $1 each and a pack of 3 pens for $3. I also bought this nice bracelet from Lovisa that I'm sure you'll find if you go there. It differentiates from a jewel, a golden spike and a white flower. It was on special for $7 so I bought it and I love it and have been wearing it all day :D

Oh and I got a pair of plain black heels from kmart coz they were $15 and they're comfy. And the heel is really low so you could literally wear them all day and not get a blister well unless you were like running a marathon or doing a LOT of walking LOL but I don't so yeah. :p
xoxo Bernice

Sunday, December 23, 2012

LOL so I've been watching The Vampire Diaries and I was crying coz some parts were sad or bittersweet and the most of it was over since I calmed down and the next ep started normal but then it got like sad again. So anyways I was crying and my dad noticed (all the tears running) and he knew I was watching something but just had to make a joke and he said "Why are you crying? I haven't hit you" LOL. It was funny when it happened okay so if you're not laughing or anything then if only you were there. But then you would've seen me crying LOL and I don't think anyone who reads this has :p 

That kinda surprises me but it's good since I don't get how people can be pretty cry-ers since I look hideous LOL. Okay, enough about crying, I don't want an emotional blog (; that'd be a very personal blog and this just aint one :p 

I think this'll be my last post so good night! <3 Sweet dreams! 

23/12/12 (Because I can't think of a title)

It's the end of the week and well I'm just tired you know? I mean so much happened even though during the past few days I haven't been doing much, well I've been improving my skills at being a couch potato :L which is something I don't want to be skilled at. My sister is watching people play bioshock on youtube. It's nice that she's watching gamers but it's not nice that she's not watching anyone interesting ==' seriously, she could have a funnier and more interesting experience. You should see that serious look of concentration on her face. She's not even playing. LOL. I also watched Pewdiepie play zombiU and LOL she panicked heaps and she kept mistakening the guy who pewdie was as a zombie coz the camera angle changes from his point of view to looking at the character when you use the gamepad. It was sah funny :p

Guys, it's 2 more sleeps till christmas! :D I'm really excited because in case  I haven't already mentioned it, but my family is going to have a Christmas lunch with some extended family and most years we always get together with one of my other sisters and her fam but this year it's both (+ some more people)! :D So yeah, I'm super pumped and I don't know what to wear because I want to wear something Christmas-y but then it occurred to me I don't really own anything in my wardrobe like that, especially for the hot weather and I can't think of anything that's red or green that I own that looks great or that I'd wear :L Oh well, I have tomorrow to find my outfit (and hopefully clean my room..but I haven't gotten far since whenever i clean my room i start off with clothes and not the mess that doesn't include clothes..LOL). 

Speaking of cleaning, if you're like me (and I don't think you are..LOL) then don't play music while you clean when you're high. Because yesterday when I was putting clothes away and rearranging my drawers, midway through I found myself dancing and lip syncing (I discovered I knew more lyrics then I'd realised)...awks. Good thing i was alone and whenever my mum walked in to give me an extra coat hanger (since I needed a few more) I was actually putting something away. LOL otherwise I would've been mega embarrassed and hid my head in shame. :p

Tomorrow I'm going to Burwood Westfields for some crammed christmas shopping and I'm hoping they have deals LOL since it's literally last minute shopping. Hmm, maybe if there is anything cheap I could get like clothes for 25th. Idk. 

Hope you're day was lovely and interesting and you weren't a couch potato like me <3 
xoxo Bernice
P.S. Posting normally again! :D

Saturday, December 22, 2012

My room looks like the Smiggle scribble of the dot on the 'i' o.o

So my mum's like telling me to go to sleep and well. I went to my room to get my usb cable coz I've started to listen to music on my ipod before bed and I love Ailee's song 'My grown up christmas list' which is the english version, the korean version is 'my grown up christmas list (christmas wish)' tho to me that doesn't make much difference. Anyways it's her own sorta like christmas song and it's so pretty. go and listen. Yes now.

Anyways, getting sidetracked, so I walked into my room and forgot the huge state of mess it was in...awks. My mum has been telling me ever since the hols started to clean my room and so I tried today. You know how when you reorganise something or clean your room and you make triple the mess but then you put everything away and it's neat as fuck. Well, see mine just so happens to be triple the mess right now and let me tell you that the state of mess it was in earlier today was bad. Like really bad. I mean, no kidding. If you guys don't believe me, I'll take photos, I'll make a video and guide you around my room. LOL okay maybe that's weird but it's true. And omgg I really dont wanna sleep amongst the further mess :L

I think I'm starting to develop a bit of OCD like just a bit and that's bad since my room is literally as if a bomb exploded in it LOL. This is also why I never open my curtains, my neighbour's window happens to be at the same point as mine so if they open their blinds then well, they get to see my beautifully disorganised room.

And I don't have anywhere in particular to put my jewellery coz I don't like putting them in drawers but I saw this cute idea on youtube but to DIY it I need to get the supplies but I got a glue gun and bunnings is nearby so I can get some other stuff but I need pretty glass plates and cups :p I'll take a picture if I do it. (:

My dog appears to be barking. No idea why but he's barking. Perhaps he thinks he sees some creepy shit or otherwise he just wants attention which I can't give coz my mum just told my sis and I 5 times in a row to go sleep :( Good night, sleep tight!
xoxo Bernice

It's the Holidays

Okay I think this is gonna be my last post like recounting shit so yeah, don't worry I won't be burdening you too much!

It's been a nice start to the holidays, I mean (okay I'm mentioning it WAY too much on my blog but it's my latest obsession so I'm afraid you'll just have to deal with it) I've been binging on Vampire Diaries eps and well, I've nearly finished season 3. I'm not going as fast as you'd expect because the next ep comes out Jan 17th and I don't think I can wait that long, a week is enough torture and that's a few weeks. So I've been balancing it out by playing Mario Kart and watching behind the scenes and interviews and omg I wish I had connections so I could meet Nina Dobrev but even if I did, it'd be difficult since she's in America :( But if I did meet her then I'd meet Ian Somerhalder since they're dating which is cool but unfortunately the chances of meeting them one day is like 0. :( I plan to play sims but I can't since that means I'm using my comp and I can't just stop watching vd!! Gosh that's insane. LOL. 

How have you guys been? How have your holidays been? Chat to me on fb or something? :D If you can or want to, up to you :p 

 Anyways so this is my outfit from the movies last week (was it last week? Yes I think it was last week and sorry my eyes were all puffy and retarded that day o.o I don't know why) and my new lovely owl necklace which I bought ages ago coz someone wanted to get it through me but then they didn't want it and it was sitting in Monika's locker for a LOOONGG time and so was some domo earphones so look at what I get now! LOL :D

I'm currently watching VD while writing this and wow, never noticed how long Ian's eyelashes were O: LOL. Okay I think I'll end it here and omg no :( Damon's being tortured, omgg these people are so rude.

xoxo Bernice

Last Official Day of Being in Year 8

The last day of school was pretty much bludge tbh, I mean we watched movies in every period of class that day except for the last since we were cleaning M1. It was also the very last day of Lily and Lena at SGHS and it was so sad. I will miss them so much!! And it was also Julia L's birthday (Happy Birthday!! Even though I've already told you that). Throughout the day we watched HSM2 (I hope you remember what HSM stands for (; I mean it used to be like one of my fav movies with my friends LOL but that was like in yr 2 or 3 or whenever they came out) and we started and completed Mean Girls which was our PE teacher's first time watching! Many classes came in randomly to watch with us which was kinda funny since you'd be staring at the screen, turn around and discover 20 more faces behind you.

Lily was so sweet and gave me this gift of caramel truffles which were so good, thanks Lily!! :D Unfortunately I don't have a photo tho since I ate them at school and shared them with some people..but they were really good! (:

Anyways, we took many class photos in maths, there was lots of just chilling since there wasn't really anything to do once all the chairs and tables had been put away. There were some tears because our classmates were leaving but best wishes to Lily and Lena for the future and I hope they have a lovely time in their new schools (:

After school I cleared out my locker and took all the books stashed in there home as well as my uke and I'd called my sister to come and help since there was a lot (I found my hsie book..which I thought I'd lost like two terms ago and well I swear it wasn't in my locker before.. o.o). I helped Julia, Karen and Geneve take photos for Julia's birthday with their polaroids (first time using them and I hope i took good photos) and they were kind enough to invite me into a photo on Julia's new camera! (:

My sister and I went to town hall in search of food but instead found ourselves browsing through some stores and my sister bought an ear cuff and I discovered this shop which was having various deals and they had some really pretty dresses but most were strapless or looked suitable for clubbing which I don't do LOL. And I didn't have money come to think of it LOL.

I kind of just realised that Wednesday wasn't that eventful in terms of stuff to write about since we did pretty much the same thing all day LOL.
xoxo Bernice

Kris Kringle :D

Hi guys. I'd just like to start by apologising for my lack of posts recently and I guess I was just so caught up in vampire diaries, the events of the last few days of school, as well as the fact that I've been too lazy to take photos of things I've gotten recently and really wanted to post them on my blog. So yes, I'm deeply sorry and I shall begin a bunch of posts (I think it'll be a bunch but I'm not sure until I'm done with them!) with Krs Kringle.

Tuesday, the second last day of school we finally had Kris Kringle and I was so excited because well, you get presents and it's really fun and there's the excitement of what you got and who gave it to you as well as reading the lovely card (unless they didnt give you a card..awks but that's fine! I mean, who said you had to give a card?). Sophia had me and if you're reading this, then I'm so so so grateful for it I love what you got me!! :D the ring is beautiful and fits and the arm cuff is so nice too! I heard you went over the budget and I'm touched (; So yes, thank you again! <3 Oh and in case you didn't see it this is what she got me:

Ahaha, you can see me taking the photo :p but isn't that pretty!! and the card too!! :D

We pretty much spent Tuesday doing whatever, not really any classwork involved and we watched Confessions of a Shopaholic! That's such a fun movie I reckon and I can sorta relate but manicans don't come to life and persuade me to buy what's in their stores...and I don't own a credit card...LOL.

xoxo Bernice

Monday, December 17, 2012

It's so weird. Coz at the beginning of episode 9 in season 2 of Vampire Diaries they speak Bulgarian coz it's set in Bulgaria in 1490 and omgg I could semi understand it since the language they used was everyday that I hear like when I went to Bulgaria and when my dad is talking to his friends. And it feels so normal LOL like not strange like alien coz yeah. Okay you guys probs don't care but I think it's pretty cool :p And now I feel more determined to learn Bulgarian despite my very bad pronunciation skills :p LOL. (:


The promo for White Collar is epic :D Omgg I'm so excitedd!! I had to pause VD for it, so worth it :D but I knew that :p Ahh, I'm so excited. So much was in that 41 second clip and ahhhhh :DDD I'm SO EXCITED.

Even if you're not a fan of white collar, I think you should watch these clips :D The fb one is the one I just saw and the second is the one I saw AGES ago. Like months and months ago LOL. (don't ask why it's repeated o.o)

Anyways, I just remembered whilst watching VD that I missed a lot of things that happened today. LOL. It happened last three periods. I'll start off with PD since that happened first, we had a fun lesson by playing musical chairs and this game we played last time (still have never gotten in! :D and I hope I never do coz I cant sing or dance o.o). Afterwards we were in drama and we played this game of guard and thief. It was soo funny.

We have to stay quiet and the thief has to go around the circle blindfolded and find keys and get out through the 'gate' (an empty space in the circle) but midway through their search, a guard is let in and their goal is to find and catch the thief. Anyways, so several pairs went up and omg Anagha and Jennifer H. went up and omg!! It was so full of like tension at times, humour at other times and like yeah. Coz there were so many times where they listened for each other's movements and since both were listening it was like who's gonna move first and be found? And there were times when Jennifer (she was the guard) was literally 1cm from touching and finding Anagha and she'd be waving her arms for her. It was so okay i cant think of the word. LOL. And somehow Anagha grabbed the keys and didn't make a sound after getting them (huge bunch of keys that made HEAPS of sound). Anagha ended up winning but it was so cool.
xoxo Bernice

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Today felt nice. Well besides the extreme heat outside, the sudden downpour and my mum crazily cleaning the house (we moved the fridge and she's been reorganising everything so I have to learn the set-out of my kitchen all over). I guess it's just starting to feel more like the holidays and I've been binge watching vampire diaries all day (much to my mother's annoyance LOL). I guess I'm just sick of school, this term has really been stretching on if you know what I mean and I just want to relax I mean, it's nearly Christmas and I'm just so excited for it! (: 

Now, since I don't have much to note about since I didn't really do anything but eat, sleep and watch vampire diaries (okay took a few breaks coz my mum wanted me to suffer in the heat and put the clothes on the washing line) I think I'll really just indulge you about the vampire diaries. Damon is really growing on me, he's sweet like in the first ep he's such a dick but that's how you first meet him. Then he's just funny because he's pretty arrogant and cocky and he loves to play around but he's pretty cool. Stefan is portrayed as the good guy but then he has this part where he wavers coz of reasons I don't want to say since I don't want to give out any or too many spoilers. He's back to good well where I'm up to but yeah. It's so eventful LOL and it's a definite tv show to add to your watchlist. 

Oh and tomorrow we're having a party in english which is pretty exciting though it means I have to finish my self assessment on my editorial which I havent started but I'd rather to maths hw :p So I'll just do the english self assessment tomorrow morning or something as she only wanted it to be sent before tomorrow's lesson I think. 
xoxo Bernice

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Vampire Diaries

Hello! (: Hrmm, I actually gave my pre uni hw in LOL. I got an alright mark seeing how I was too lazy to finish it and yeah LOL.

Oh yeah, I started watching Vampire Diaries! (; It's actually really good but I still love white collar and I don't want to compare them. I mean in vd more happens but like white collar is amazing and awesome so yeah LOL. I'm kinda glad Anagha convinced me to watch it and whenever I  do it's like Bulgarian pride LOL coz Nina Dobrev is Bulgarian. She's so pretty though! :D Oh and my sister pointed out why it's called vd (like not what anyone who made it said but what she thought). She's like 'And that's why it's called vampire diaries. Because there are vampires and they write in their diaries' LOL. Sorry just had to share that it was funny :D

I finally got Mariokart for wii coz this guy at flemington markets was selling one (brand new) for $50 and it's always $99.95 in store even without the wheel (didn't get the wheel but it isn't necessary so yeah LOL). I mean when it's on sale, it's still like $80+ so yeah. I'm really happy about that :3 I don't think I have much else to say so I'm just going to end this post here. Sorry it's short but not much happened today since I've been watching vd for the whole time I've been home.

xoxo Bernice

Friday, December 14, 2012


Sorry guys I forgot to blog yesterday! Nothing all that exciting happened yesterday I think LOL.

But two days in a row have I had to walk home with my heavy clarinet in horrible heat :( Oh well, 3 more days left of school!! :D And there's lots of class parties next week :3 So I believe it's English party, maths party (+ kris kringle gifts!! :D), science party and possible hsie but i dont think so or if we do then it's gonna be under some conditions LOL.

Oh you know, we're finally doing something fun in Latin! All year we have to study study study but now we're watching hp 1 so yah, that's A LOT better since my teacher's idea of fun is crosswords and bingo and latin quizzes... o.o

I actually managed to get all but one of the signatures on my clearance form coz the teacher went MIA and didnt even turn up to class o.o but lucky for us coz we had a free period!! :D Karen did my hair during the free period and she did a proper waterfall braid and omg it's so pretty (: Then WE GOT OUR REPORTS.

I got straight As!! O: Though I just found out I got two ticks in the high column for Latin but oh well who cares!! :D I'm so happy coz I honestly did not know what I was going to get for stuff due to my somewhat average marks LOL. Congrats to everyone! I'm sure you all did amazing!! :D

I seriously need to do my pre uni hw ==' but im sah lazy. I hope there isnt much this week coz then i can finish it and be like IM FREE (well until tomorrow when I get new hw but tomorrow is the second last lesson :3).

Later when my sister gets home I'll upload a photo from wednesday of our lovely new skyfall limited edition cup :D
xoxo Bernice

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Editorial? WHAT. ;_;

Guys I just realised I should be working on my english editorial ;_; It's due third period tomorrow and I'm literally NOWHERE. I need to seriously somehow do it tonight so tomorrow's lesson I add what I've written to the actual copy of it then like edit it and make it look like an editorial. Maybe.

Okay, I can so totes do this. I can't do this :L And I need to practice clarinet coz tomorrow I need to re-try out for SWE (crossed fingers that I make it) coz that's what everyone does every year. And I'll just play one of my 6th grade songs and hopefully I'm not too rusty on it LOL.

WHAT WAS I DOING ALL DAY? Oh that's right, I was sitting in front of the computer for half of it (plus clarinet practice session..) then I watched Skyfall and ate for the rest of the day. Greeaaattt. I can't believe it's already 8:35 and I need to shower soon. At least I don't have to wash my hair or I'd be just a tad screwed. :L
xoxo Bernice

Minnie Mouse Tee :D + Skyfall + Walking Dead

My title sounds so random LOL. ;D Oh well.

Got to sleep in today :D coz I didn't go to the presentation day (I was too tired anyways tbh). I'm glad coz there's no way that it's physically possible for me to sit there for 2 and a half hours or more and be bored out of my mind. It's like the equivalent of staring at a blank wall in the same position for an hour. Also, I didn't really get much sleep so I would've fell asleep then get told off by a teacher nearby but I'd probs sleep through the teacher's warning LOL. And then they're filming it and all that. Ugh. Sorry to all of you who suffered! I'll probs be going next time :L

I was in my pj's for like half the day until I got dressed for the movie and omg I love what I'm wearing. I'm wearing this top I bought from Jay Jays on Sunday and it has Minnie Mouse on it and it looks a bit retro/vintage idk but it's so cute and I love it and I matched it with my leopard print tights and yeah. I just love this top LOL I'm gonna wear it EVERYWHERE I swear (LOL I rhymed :p)

FINALLY WATCHED SKYFALL! :D I'm so happy and we bought the limited edition cup by buying the large popcorn and drink. It's really good so if you haven't already then I think you should go watch it coz it's been out for a while and it'll probs not be showing for too much longer I reckon but idk LOL. I cried a little at the end coz someone died (a bunch of people died but this was more dramatic okay). Overall it was really good and I can't help but compliment the scenes before the opening of Adele's song coming on coz the camera work was so good. Idk I was into the movie but I couldn't stop thinking WOAH how'd they get so close and do that? O: LOL. It's really good tho (; 

Olivera, one of my other sisters right, coz two of her kids have finished school (they go to a private school) and we could've watched with them but Olivera doesn't want them seeing the sex scenes. There really weren't sex scenes, like only 1 proper but it was literally like 10 seconds and you didn't really see anything. Chanel and LouLou wanted to watch Pitch Perfect or something so perhaps my sister and I can rewatch it with them coz it's just such a great movie :3. 

Oh yeah, I'm like halfway through watching the walking dead (I watched a bit in the morning) and omg I couldn't take it at this current part, there was too much LOL. As in, there are parts where my sister and I are like screaming at the screen (well one part but this part was creepy coz it's when this lady I think it's the mum of the boy you meet who is with his dad) and I just had to pause it and I left it, I was feeling like way too anxious LOL. Might return watching it now or something tho. 
xoxo Bernice

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Monday + Today

Yesterday I gave Danni her present for Kris Kringle and omg, she liked my gift and I'm so happy she did! :D It was so difficult and for some reason she felt bad that I went over the limit by $5 but whatevs, dude it's $5, I don't mind (: Ughh, our party got moved to next tuesday :( I've been waiting so long, I can't bare another week to find out if I'm right for who has me for kris kringle and to find out what gift they got me! :L

And omgg I might have to go presentation day (probs mentioned that in the previous post) and I really dont want to. I can't sit for freaking 2 and a half hours doing nothing and watching nothing. And what do we do from 9-10? So that's another hour of doing nothing!! It's a waste of my time and I don't want to go. No. I'm not going. I refuse to. I hope Lou Lou and Chanel finished school (they go to private schools and they're my other step-sis' kids so my nieces technically. Okay I'm tired of saying step sister and it sounds bad but they're really nice and we're family! So I'm just gonna say sis or like other sis LOL) so if they want to watch the same movies I do then I can watch a movie instead. :L I really hope so. Ughhh.

I didn't eat dinner today. I don't feel like eating anything we have so I'm just going to eat mango later or something. My mum suggested ordering one pizza for me but that's too much effort for just me and I don't want that. I'm really tired right now. I've been tired for the last like few hours I wanna sleep but I don't want to coz there's stuff I want to do.

Oh!! And I'd like to visit salvo's this weekend or something LOL or go kmart and get plates and glasses/candleholders coz I saw this really cool idea and omg i need to go bunnings too to do this. Anyways, there's a project I want to do and my mum is completely on board with it and liked the idea (: SOO I'm excited.

I haven't played zombie lane in ages. It's really sad and I want to play but it'll be annoying coz by now all my neighbours would've passed me (well not all but some) or I'd be further behind others in levels and that's just sad coz my goal was to be in the top 5 of my friend's list.

Jade has convinced me to watch the walking dead. Vivian said that daphne loves it and then jade loved it and then everyone on youtube who i'm subscribed to who watches it loves it so yeah, I'm finally going to (but in the hols since I'm too tired and lazy).

Hey look, it's 11th December today, that's nice, we're nearly at the end of school and the end of the year and the beginning of another christmas and the beginning of a new year and my coming birthday and yeah. I'm just so excited and I've got all these things I want so I hope rich people give me money (well I'm counting on my dad's friend for $100 these christmas and my bday but I'm hoping for more to spend my shopping desires).
xoxo Bernice

Sunday - Detailed (may be repeats in what I say)

Guys. I'm not going to Canberra tomorrow :( got cancelled coz my dad has a lot to do coz he's helping the Ambassador out which means I've missed my chance to meet the Egyptian ambassador :( Oh well. I am hoping I can still skip presentation day though

Okay I need to make up for yesterday coz I was a lazy bum and tired as fuck (still am and idk whyy :( but ive been really sleepy tho last night I might've gotten less sleep). Here's a run through of Sunday like with more deets:

Viki came over to pick me up to take me to her place and she stayed at our place for quite a bit chatting to us all as that's what generally happens, especially since we're family. And eventually after lots of laughs, I left with her and it was my first time at her new place which is in Dulwich Hill I think LOL. And it's a nice place despite her remarks of it being a small unit but yeah, I've seen smaller. Anyways, met with Halle who was slightly taller than me but she was wearing heels and I was wearing flats SO, I think I'm taller than her :3 good thing too since I'm about 10-11 months older than her LOL.

It was nice to see her again, but I didnt see her bros since they were at her dad's place (she didnt want them to come and I doubt they'd like to). I met her friends Hope and Amy and they were nice (found out Amy can't wear makeup like blush and foundation and all that coz her skin could have a bad reaction. She can wear mascara and nail polish tho). On the way there, her friends started to play spotto but then it went overboard and instead of spotting yellow cars they started calling out spotto for every yellow thing they saw (Viki pointed out it was a bit like the 'are we there yet?' thing that kids do tho I never did that... o.o).

Anyways, we arrived at centro bankstown shopping centre and after lunch we went shopping (we went by ourselves) and Halle's fav store is Valleygirl so somehow we spent an unnecessary hour in there - tho we were fooling around and Halle tried on a bunch of clothes and LOL there was this really ugly top. Anyways, she accidentally replied to some random chick calling to her friends LOL. It was SO funny and the chick started laughing and her friends were like 'umm Halle, that wasn't us' and then she laughed and was a tad embarrassed LOL.

When we'd finally left valleygirl, Halle and I were like crazy over various shops and I'm sorta but not really glad that I didn't have more than $20 coz otherwise I would've gone SUPER SHOPAHOLIC mode like Halle was (a fellow shopaholic) and spend it all tho somehow she didnt spend ALL of her money. But most.

I'll skip the film because this post will be too long otherwise. After the film we went to kmart so Viki could by basketballs for the school she works at and yah. Went back and I wish I could've stayed at their place but my dad had to pick up my mum and sis but then they cancelled JUST WHEN WE'D LEFT. :( Oh well, I'm gonna spend like xmas day with them for lunch (: Well if we're not busy.
xoxo Bernice

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Pitch Perfect

Okay, before I go into my post, just gonna warn you that it's gonna be really long and there will be no images. So yah LOL. 

I went to Bankstown shopping centre with Halle (she's technically my niece :) )and her two friends (who seemed nice (: ) and we watched Pitch Perfect. OMG. I LOVED THAT MOVIE. It was SOOOOO good and it was really funny, I just wanna go watch it again but currently there are a bunch of movies I want to see so I can't but I'm defs gonna get it on dvd. 

We also went shopping beforehand and I'm surprised I managed to buy 3 things because I only brought $20.  I got this cute black strapless dress for $5 (it was $30 off :D), a really cute minnie mouse top from Jay Jays for $7.50 (didnt check price tag so idk original price) and a pair of shorts from Valleygirl. I saw them before when I went to P'matta Westfield but I thought they were too short but Halle had bought them and said they werent so I took a pair and went into the dressing rooms and she was right! So I bought a pair and they were $5. :D 

She spent a ton of money LOL but a lot of it was for presents. She got her mum a perfume from priceline, a Chi Chi cream and body butter set for Emily (forgot her relation to her but they're really close), she got more gifts but I can't remember. She got some clothes for herself too, so shorts, a couple of tops and a pair of heels (LOL I think they were supposed to be $20 but they had no tag so the lady at Kmart let her get it for $10). 

Okay I thought this was gonna be long but it isn't and I guess it's coz I'm tired and can't recount everything that happened LOL but yeahh. Hope it was interesting anyways. Actually, I left out quite a bit but I am honestly too sleepy for it. Perhaps tomorrow I'll give further details. 

Oh!! And last night I watched the 2012 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show and omg, it was really cool and the performances were really good too. There were a few bumps in the Calendar Girls runway section but otherwise it was cool. And all the models are gorgeous! And of course, Miranda Kerr was there as she's a Victoria's Secret Angel. One day I want to go see a Victoria's Secret Fashion Show like live, coz I think that's a bit cool, and who cares if it's a lingere brand coz like it looks fun to be there and with their circus section, they had all these acrobats and stuff and it was cool. 
xoxo Bernice

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Green Tea Oreos? O.O

Plus side of going to the dentist meant that we went to an asian supermarket (havent been to one in AGES) and I got so much :3 I got pizza pocky (well like pizza flavoured biscuit sticks LOL), choco pie, cup noodles, yan yan choc flavour and yeah. I think that was everything that my mum bought for me and I already ate a pack of choco pie, the cup noodles and the yan yan so yerr. LOL. And omg, that place had like green tea oreos like the cream was green o.o I assumed it was green tea but it was written in like chinese and my mum said something about ice cream so i assume green tea ice cream? Anyways it was a huge box.

Omggg I want ice cream :( but I cant. I watched 4 eps of white collar today and my sister wants to catch up (AT LAST :D) and so yah, hopefully she's already watched the first 3 eps of white collar or watches them without me coz I dont wanna rewatch them so soon LOL. And I've seen the first ep like 6 times, the 2nd like 4 and the rest at least 2-3 times. So yah.

You know, she's going to 2 parties tonight, one is the work party and she has to attend coz there's kris kringle, and then she's going to a uni party which she also has to go to coz she paid for it.

I've been sleepy the whole day :( My mum thought I looked weak too, idk what's wrong with me LOL. But my mum decided it was my period but i dont recall that being a side effect and I wasn't tired on other times so idk. :p There's like so much I want to do but im just too tired for it tho :L I barely feel as if I have the energy to even write this post! :L
xoxo Bernice

Friday, December 7, 2012

Maths Test

I just saw a really short sneak peak for white collar. Omg. HOW WILL I WAIT TILL JANUARY 22ND? O: Well 23rd actually. :'(

Okay, please excuse me while I have a White Collar marathon starting from season 1 to the season 4 midseason finale.

Though, before i go and binge on white collar LOL, I'll quickly catch you up with this morning and stuff. So at Pre Uni I did the maths test, omg the few formulas I remembered were the ones I needed though I forgot some things soooo I pretty much skipped a few questions (or like parts of questions like if say question 5 has a), b), c)..etc. I mean). Other people seemed to not have completed it either so yah, not the only one! I really hope I did well since time went so fast in the test!! :(

I'll probs only be able to fit in the first ep of white collar actually since I need to leave for the dentist soon ;( Oh well, one shall be sufficient enough.

Oh and tomorrow I'm going out for a relative's birthday and she's also taking two other friends (who i don't know..LOL so hopefully no personality clashes) and we're gonna shop a bit and watch pitch perfect (:

xoxo Bernice
Nooooo :( Tomorrow I could've gone to see my friend in Canberra before she goes back to Bulgaria (her parents are the ambassadors of the bulgarian embassy but you can only stay in each country for like generally it's like 3 or 4 years I think, idk). And omgg I have pre uni maths test in the morning then a dentist appointment in the afternoon which means I can't go! :@ Then my dad asked for Monday and I can't go Monday either (coz of certain reasons which I shall not explain! Though it isn't coz of school LOL coz who cares, it's end of the year so we're not gonna be doing like tests LOL). 

This is so sad ;_; Though I wanna get her a xmas present since they all leave on the 22nd. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Just a tad in love with cats

I went a bit crazy by downloading some cat wallpapers (hence my lovely new background).

Only 38 though and I avoided going for the meltingly cute ones but got the really photographic or effects or like cool ones. LOL. 
xoxo Bernice

100th Post (:

I want to make a fashion/DIY/beauty blog. Not necessarily on blogspot, I can do it on tumblr but idkk. Should I? :L Though Tumblr's easier actually coz I can reblog other people's stuff and not make my own posts all too often LOL.

I'm so indecisive sometimes that it annoys me LOL.

Anyways, you all may be wondering about my day since I wasn't as school (due to reasons in which I will not go into LOL). Anyways, halfway through cleaning my room coz yeah I got bored and tired and urghh. Nearly there and I SWEAR i saw something black move on my bed and im a bit scared there's a cockroach on my bed but when I looked and lifted things idk, I could've been imagining things. It's happened before but not on my bed, I just randomly see things from the corner of my eye but when I look it's not there. Am I crazy? :(

I hope not. Am I hallucinating? Quite possibly. Oh well.

Anyways, ermm I actually woke to the my alarm at 5:50 this morning but then i was so tired i kept sleeping (after turning it off) and re awoke at 6:22 and then I was like OMFG I HAVE SCHOOL. OMG I GOTTA LEAVE FOR BAND IN 8MIN. WHAT. WAIT. DAD'S NOT AWAKE EITHER. WHAT AM I GONNA DO. But i was still sleepy regardless and ignored my panic. Okay fine, I'll tell you why I didn't go to school coz it came up next. I had my period (well found out the day before but omg it was so light I was all chill) but overnight it was like a waterfall LOLjks okay not that bad but it was bad). Urghh, it's so annoying :( But after the heaviness at night it's actually not bad all throughout today but like medium? Idk.

But it means no ice cream :( or chocolate bavarian :( or cold milkshakes :( Thank god I had that peppermint mocha yesterday, it was a nice end to my cold eating habits for a while LOL. But it means more chocolate :D LOL okay I'm not gonna talk any further about this.

So I had a yum lunch (oh and I forgot to add, I ate brekkie! :D I feel sah proud. LOLwhut) and my mum and sister went to burwood westfield and no it wasnt completely for shopping. Instead they were like there for my sister's medicare something idk. But my mum came back with two baby toys for a friend's baby coz it's her 1st birthday on boxing day.

I wish I went but it'd look bad coz im supposed to be in school! Blah blah, so zoom past cleaning my room to now. I'm not really doing anything in particular though I should be studying for the pre uni maths test tomorrow and for the first time I'm actually nervous. Coz I don't know this year 9 shit and omggg I don't want to fail :( I don't want the bottom mark :( Though apparently lots of people get below average o.o and I normally go over (though not by too much coz i fail tests but succeed in hw LOL im so weird) but what if i go below!!! DDD:
xoxo Bernice

Crazy Neighbour

One of my neighbours is like fucking psycho. Apparently he's 2 months behind rent and he's not paying it and like he has SUPER cheap rent. Like not kidding. It's like $150 or something a week. Idk. And my parents believe his wife left him, I mean, they fought like everyday no joke. And I remember, one fight led the lady into breaking her leg coz he pushed her down the stairs or some crap. And when my dad talks to him, he complains about the landlords (who are also friends of my parents) and that they're not fixing all this shit.

HOW ARE THEY MEANT TO FREAKING FIX IT IF YOU WONT PAY RENT. Seriously. And he's like 'NO. They need to fucking fix stuff, they're the landlords, they have to and they havent in months.' Ugh and my dad told him he's not telling them, just pestering others. And there are three parts to the house (hence cheap rent coz up to 3 different small households can live in it) and the guy who lives in number 2 of it is like scared as fuck of him and that guy freaking owns the front AND backyard. HOW. HE ISNT PAYING RENT. The other guy pays rent but the guy, John, he is like so up himself for this, he thinks he can have everything for nothing. (And apparently his place stinks and he tried to fix things himself to save money but apparently he just made the house worse).

When my dad talked to the guy living in number 2, he found out that John drinks like a whole box of V or mother a day. Up to 2 is alright in a day. More and you're like adrenaline rushed all the time.

Sorry if this was confusing but omggg that's so unfair.

Okay gonna go clean my room now coz it hasnt been cleaned it so long and omg it's so embarrassing how messy it is.

xoxo Bernice

Kris Kringle Present FOUND :D

So after school I met up with my sister who had just watched Pitch Perfect to find a gift for my Kris Kringle person. Everything I found of what I could get her was like $40 or like $20 cheapest but behold!! I found one for $15 (sorry can't tell you what I got the person in case) which is $5 over budget but who the fuck cares. LOL. 

I got Starbucks again :3 My sister liked the Toffee Nut Frappucino better than the Peppermint Mocha Frappucino so I had the peppermint mocha frappucino which tasted better when I tried toffee nut after the peppermint mocha. So yeahh it was a fine decision! Though I got chocolate on my tunic :( and it'd be okay but it's a lighter brown. 

I think you can guess which drink is which but in case you don't the peppermint mocha is on the left and the toffee nut on the right (: 

Okay I don't really have much to say but well I found some photos and omgg I look so weird.

Look how different I look! O: 
Wait I think this is in the Easter Show this year LOL. 

And look!! This is my advent calendar :3 Chocolate everyday! :D Idc if it's childish, I mean chocolate. Every. Day. That is just cool. 

Okay I need to sleep now. I've lost so much sleep in the last few days and I still have band tomorrow and urgh I need to do my pre uni hw and study for the term test or I'll fail :( and I can't change to afternoon lesson that day (not that I want to) coz I have a dentist appointment. LOL why am I mentioning a dentist appointment on my blog. 
xoxo Bernice

Christmas Concert

Last night was the Christmas concert but before I talk about that, I'd like to explain the events which occurred beforehand.

So during school only really went to the yr 7/8 rehearsal, cbf to go to the all ensembles rehearsal LOL and then I'd have to like give money for a gift and well I only had money to buy dinner after school so yeah. Though I only remembered the giving money for a music teacher now. Oops. Anyways, after school I went with Monika and Shannon and we wanted to goof around LOL coz we're weirdos.

We took the roles of Shannon and Monika speaking in either an Asian or Irish accent and me (seeing how I am an absolute fail and i dont want to be a retard trying something and failing x infinity), I became a mute. Pretty difficult as Monika stated I was like loudest of the group LOL and I laugh so easily sooooo, it was very restricting to only be able to smile a really wide and funky grin LOL. Originally we were gonna pretend to be weird cheapy asians and calculate prices in stores to 'find the cheapest price' but we forgot all about it after wandering around the QVB, browsing stores as well as hopefully running into Monika's uncle who was at places that whenever we went to, he was mysteriously not there.

After further exploration and awkward lift confusions and seeing the same waiters again and the same level of country road we finally found our way to the big christmas tree which was the meeting point to meet up with Monika's uncle. I saw Santa. And an elf (who was awfully tall for 'santa's little helper'). And a fairy. And someone else was dressed up but I can't remember their outfit LOL.

In the end, the people who worked at T2 were probably sick of us trying tea (we came back a few times...LOL). Then we went to this New Zealand ice cream place and after lots of debate and signalling, I ended up accepting Monika's uncle's (didn't that sound confusing o.o) offer to buy me ice cream (THANKS even though he doesn't read or even know my blog LOL). After Shannon convinced him she was not hungry, he attempted to make her jealous by enjoying his ice cream LOL.

We waited at Town Hall station for Monika's mum and lil bro (who is adorbs but weird. He believed i was a fish. Then a house. Not sure if I should be weirded out or not). They may have gotten lost and in our wait, Shannon urged me to finish my ice cream quickly because there was a hobo, though he didn;t look like a hobo. But he was drunk I think. And we were like laughing and discussing 'don't make eye contact!! look away! or he'll come and talk to you!' and that happened to an unfortunate person. Idk what fashion sense he had but he had a roundish belly and was wearing what appeared to be a crop top... O.O Anyways, I'll skip through lots because I am going on and on and I haven't even reached the xmas concert and this all happened from like 4 ish to 6:30 so yah LOL. But my sister met us in the food court and we went back to school.

The actual christmas concert was alright. Monika and I had to like full on 'break in' okay more like sneak into the school to go to our lockers and just our luck. A teacher was on her way. I had a feeling she was walking down the corridors and I didn't want to get caught like hiding so Monika and I left our hiding spots in the stairwell and behind the lockers and we just told her we really needed to go to our lockers (it was as if we had just arrived..I hope) and she allowed us one minute. As we left, some more year 8s rushed in through the emergency exit door and faced the teacher. Oh well. We got changed and stuff.

I don't like SWE's performance (I'm in SWE) and ugh I was so confused. It sounded so bad :( Idk what happened. And then we didn't play all the parts we were supposed to and as a fellow player in band and I found out, we were not playing the fourth part after the second (as planned) but the third part. And we finished with that. :L It was horrible but no one seemed to notice except fro EVERYONE in SWE and our conductor. I'm so sad coz SWE is supposed to be the good one that's hard to get into. :(

The year 7 and 8 performance was fine, though I pretty much pretended to sing for the second verse since I didn't know any of the words except for 'On Bethlehem' (<-- is that how you spell it.. o.o).

xoxo Bernice

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

This morning, some friends thought it'd be good if I listen to 1D. I thought different. And so, after a while of tackling with earphones and throwing bottles back at each other, I managed to only hear a few seconds of the beginning instrumental before leaving to get to class. :p I'm glad. 

OHHH!!!! I forgot to mention yesterday that in Science, we were dissolving marble (I think..or limestone) in acid :3 

Anyways, back to today. Ermm, oh yeah the rehearsal for the christmas concert was actually not that bad! (: Well actually it's because while we were waiting to be cued in, my class, or the remnants I should say as many aren't attending the christmas concert tomorrow night, we were having quite fun. The fun included knee buckling, the stroking of my hair (whut o.o), 'boop'-ing people :D + more. It was quite joyful in my opinion LOL. 

Okay, so umm, sport and blah was next then err actually I don't think I can remember anything else :L 

Although, I have no idea where my new pair of tights went :L and my other pairs well, this is sad, but I've grown out of them. Oh well, not allowed to wear tights for xmas concert anyways and it's not like I will, though I'd love to wear my black peplum top. Unfortunately I can't since I have a music shirt to wear :p

A dear shout-out to Lily, I'm so happy that you like my blog :3 Makes me feel like I'm not blogging for myself and for others LOL. (You should get a blog!! Especially when you move to Ruse so I can keep up to date with how you are!! :D). Oh and high five for our amazing shoes!! <3 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Revenge (if you're up to date and like it be careful, it contains spoilers)

I can't decide who makes a cuter couple on revenge :( Emily (ie the real amanda) was so cute with Daniel!! Even though she didn't really like him, I'm sure there was something real!! Just that Jack got in the way :L But then she wont be getting back together with him, well atm not, coz well he's got a girlfriend but he still likes her :(

And now they introduced a new love interest from her past and in last ep they got it on LOL. But omg they're so cute together too!! And he's gonna a cute accent LOL. But then the actor who plays Daniel, also does but for the show he puts on an American accent. So yah.

Arghh, why do shows do this to me? :( They always make some people so good together and then they play with the roles and urghh, I just can't decide and don't necessarily approve of their choices in the end. I hope with Revenge, they make it either Aiden or Daniel :D
My day was pretty normal today I reckon so yeah, not really much to say. Currently watching The Barbie Diaries LOL. And omg!!! Vivian, if you're reading my blog, there are new movies out and coming out!! There's Barbie: The Princess and the Popstar which is like also based on the princess and the pauper (just like barbie as the princess in the pauper) and, coming out next year is one that sounds good! It's Barbie in the Pink Shoes and it's about Barbie as a ballet dancer but it sounds like one of the old films. :3 

Arghh, this post is so short :( But I can't think of anything to write! 

Well you won't find this any bit interesting but I nearly fell asleep on the bus again ==' There were these two old asian ladies sitting behind me and they were probs laughing or like at least noticed my head bob as I nearly fell asleep :L I bumped my head (softly so it didnt hurt and not loud enough to really hear) once and omggg. :( Ah well, nothing I can do about that I guess. 
xoxo Bernice

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Xmas Shopping

WHEEEEEEEEE. I'm in a really good mood.

Sorry I'm too lazy to blog about yesterday but I went to Luna Park with Shannon, Sharon and Sophia M. It was really fun except for a few scares which aren't about the rides...

So today, I went to P'matta Westfield for some Christmas shopping!! :D Picked out my christmas prezzie (wasn't really sure exactly what I wanted so yeah) and omg. I got the most gorgeous pair of shoes. I'm not going to show them until christmas though :p So I'll have to keep you all hanging! :D But they're so pretty and they and were $100 at windsor smith. They are soooooo pretty and I'm so excited to wear them but my mum is going to wrap them so on christmas I can be all excited again :3 Okay you guys might find that weird. Oh well whatevs.

Omg, you know. It seriously felt like it was christmas coz there were heaps of christmas decorations, and most shops were playing christmas music and omg. Saw little kids taking pictures with Santa, awws. So cute :D And omg in Target I was in the christmas section and omg I was like so excited and I saw these ceramic cookie jars (with cookies inside), one was a christmas tree ($15) and the other was a huge santa head ($20) and they were adorbs. But too expensive coz I'm not gonna spent that much money on cookies in a jar. But they were so cute I wish they were $5 as we all thought they were.

I also bought a black peplum top from ICE, a Hello Kitty Advent Calendar (you guys will now think me weird and childish but it was so cute LOL and hey, $3 for 25 chocolates. Fine by me :3) and a cranberry scented candle. Omg I just remembered, I also got a yellow nail polish. :D

Okay, cbf to take pictures now, so perhaps later, or not LOL.
xoxo Bernice

Friday, November 30, 2012


I want to learn how to make polymer clay charms :D Good thing about them is that they're not gonna like harden while you're working since you bake them which is good but then I need a billion colours and it's expensive :( Ohh, perhaps I can look on ebay! :DD Actually nvm. I just checked and it's cheaper to go into spotlight unless I buy in bulk LOL but then I have to wait :p It's $4 each at spotlight, i hope they have heaps of colours tho! Coz I really want glow in the dark and translucent. (;

Anyways, on to today. So we watched Frankenweenie at Fox Studios. It was actually pretty good, a lot better than I expected though it was made by tim burton and he's really good. Just that I hate watching cartoon/animated films because well I guess I just don't find any interest in it. The interesting thing about frankenweenie though, is that the whole thing was in black and white graphics, like not even just dull/pale/dark colours like Tim Burton normally has.

Ate so much junk food and soft drink LOL. I'm gonna be sah fat. Oh well whatevs.

After school, took a public bus with monika to central coz the crowd was huge for getting on the buses and we didn't even arrive late. We then went to town hall for a bit and I tried on one of BYS' new nail polishes, it's called the graffiti range and you just use normal nail polish (they have like metallic colours for the range) and once it dries, you use this clear liquid thing and it has a really thin brush and you just paint with it and the colour changes on those parts to like a darker shade. It's pretty cool. Saw some really pretty glitter nail polishes too.

Monika and I got starbucks :3 Monika had their signature hot chocolate - but like iced version LOL (I think that's what it's called) I tried the peppermint mocha frappucino and it is so good. It's like just as good as toffee nut. I love the christmas range :D Next halloween I'm gonna try the salted caramel frappucino :D (Will upload photos later of our drinks)

xoxo Bernice

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hey guys, sorry I know I don't normally post after 9pm, well I dont think I do, but anyways, I actually completely forgot to post LOL. So this post will be really short because I really don't feel like posting since there really isn't much to post about LOL. Tomorrow I will though so don't you worry! (: And maybe even some photos! LOL actually nah probs not.

After I got on the bus (hadn't even left the station yet!!), a guy on the bus got in a fight with the driver coz once the bus leaves the curb, they dont tend to pick up any more passengers and the bus hadn't left it all that much LOL. So a man had ran for the bus (well I at least assume so since I was looking out the window and I was sitting on the right side of the bus coz that gets less sun if any LOL. Didn't really see what happened but the passenger had shouted down the bus to the driver to stop and then he ran down and they started to argue about letting that man on board.

Both sides had good arguments from what I heard but I tuned out and listened to my music more. In the end the guy sits down and the bus just leaves (the poor guy just standing watching the fight through the glass of the bus windows was left behind. Don't worry though coz the next bus was arriving). The guy came back to his seat - an old asian guy decided that his seat was better and moved to it, which made the guy a bit confused but he sat next to the man either way since the other seat was in full sun. But he announced 'At least it gave you all some entertainment' LOL. And when he got off he was like 'thanks driver' since that was polite and they did fight.

So yeah, that was pretty eventful. After that I went to woolies to buy snacks for tomorrow (strawberry clouds and the shapes roadies in seasoned roast chicken). It was awks coz I saw a person I recognised though didn't know well and I don't even remember his name LOL. It was sad coz I had just entered the magazine isle and he was there looking at the electronics I think so I just walked down the hall isle and went back to the other isles and then went to get the shapes. Then, when I was waiting to be picked up, I saw a guy at subway who takes my bus :L he was with some chick idk, but still. Why do I keep seeing people i know/recognise? :L Well, it's probs just the area LOL.
xoxo Bernice

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Brands Exclusive

I'm so happy/excited right now. The items I ordered from brands Exclusive have finally arrived after many weeks of much anticipation! :D I spent $20 for a models inc. pack which includes 5 lipsticks and 5 nail polishes which is a really good deal as lipstick can be expensive and well, nail polish is generally AT LEAST $3 and that's the cheap kind. Anyways, so here's what I got! :D

The colours from left to right are:
Platinum, Steel Slate, Ocean, Mauve Delight, Fluoro Orange.
I really love all these colours so this pack was an ABSOLUTE MUST. Mauve Delight is a bit galaxy and it's just so pretty, but I really wanted a silver polish, hence platinum, steel slate is something really new for me also as I don't own any black or near black polishes. Also, since it's Summer, well soon LOL, I wanted a bright summer time polish and what better than that fluoro orange!! :D And ocean is just so pretty too.  So yeah, I'm really happy with my purchase as I know I'll use them all! :DD
The lipstick shades are (left to right) :
Rip it up (14), Kiss Me Red (33), Shifty Lips (27), Paparazzi (3),  Foxy Lady (7) 
In real life, the colours are quite different but out of the lipsticks my favourite would have to be Rip it up coz it's a really gorgeous colour when you see it in real. Kiss me red is such a bright red but it's nice, suitable for Christmas (; Shifty lips is a really bright hot pink like no kidding, while paparazzi is a rosier, more calmer version. Foxy Lady is a really nice lipstick on the nude side I'd say but it's not completely nude I don't think. 

I'll probs try them on tonight coz that's what I do when I get something new LOL. But yahh, no pictures :p

Cbf to comment on school LOL. But yeah, good night then coz I doubt I'll post anything else. 
xoxo Bernice