I'm so indecisive sometimes that it annoys me LOL.
Anyways, you all may be wondering about my day since I wasn't as school (due to reasons in which I will not go into LOL). Anyways, halfway through cleaning my room coz yeah I got bored and tired and urghh. Nearly there and I SWEAR i saw something black move on my bed and im a bit scared there's a cockroach on my bed but when I looked and lifted things idk, I could've been imagining things. It's happened before but not on my bed, I just randomly see things from the corner of my eye but when I look it's not there. Am I crazy? :(
I hope not. Am I hallucinating? Quite possibly. Oh well.
Anyways, ermm I actually woke to the my alarm at 5:50 this morning but then i was so tired i kept sleeping (after turning it off) and re awoke at 6:22 and then I was like OMFG I HAVE SCHOOL. OMG I GOTTA LEAVE FOR BAND IN 8MIN. WHAT. WAIT. DAD'S NOT AWAKE EITHER. WHAT AM I GONNA DO. But i was still sleepy regardless and ignored my panic. Okay fine, I'll tell you why I didn't go to school coz it came up next. I had my period (well found out the day before but omg it was so light I was all chill) but overnight it was like a waterfall LOLjks okay not that bad but it was bad). Urghh, it's so annoying :( But after the heaviness at night it's actually not bad all throughout today but like medium? Idk.
But it means no ice cream :( or chocolate bavarian :( or cold milkshakes :( Thank god I had that peppermint mocha yesterday, it was a nice end to my cold eating habits for a while LOL. But it means more chocolate :D LOL okay I'm not gonna talk any further about this.
So I had a yum lunch (oh and I forgot to add, I ate brekkie! :D I feel sah proud. LOLwhut) and my mum and sister went to burwood westfield and no it wasnt completely for shopping. Instead they were like there for my sister's medicare something idk. But my mum came back with two baby toys for a friend's baby coz it's her 1st birthday on boxing day.
I wish I went but it'd look bad coz im supposed to be in school! Blah blah, so zoom past cleaning my room to now. I'm not really doing anything in particular though I should be studying for the pre uni maths test tomorrow and for the first time I'm actually nervous. Coz I don't know this year 9 shit and omggg I don't want to fail :( I don't want the bottom mark :( Though apparently lots of people get below average o.o and I normally go over (though not by too much coz i fail tests but succeed in hw LOL im so weird) but what if i go below!!! DDD:
xoxo Bernice
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