Sunday, December 16, 2012

Today felt nice. Well besides the extreme heat outside, the sudden downpour and my mum crazily cleaning the house (we moved the fridge and she's been reorganising everything so I have to learn the set-out of my kitchen all over). I guess it's just starting to feel more like the holidays and I've been binge watching vampire diaries all day (much to my mother's annoyance LOL). I guess I'm just sick of school, this term has really been stretching on if you know what I mean and I just want to relax I mean, it's nearly Christmas and I'm just so excited for it! (: 

Now, since I don't have much to note about since I didn't really do anything but eat, sleep and watch vampire diaries (okay took a few breaks coz my mum wanted me to suffer in the heat and put the clothes on the washing line) I think I'll really just indulge you about the vampire diaries. Damon is really growing on me, he's sweet like in the first ep he's such a dick but that's how you first meet him. Then he's just funny because he's pretty arrogant and cocky and he loves to play around but he's pretty cool. Stefan is portrayed as the good guy but then he has this part where he wavers coz of reasons I don't want to say since I don't want to give out any or too many spoilers. He's back to good well where I'm up to but yeah. It's so eventful LOL and it's a definite tv show to add to your watchlist. 

Oh and tomorrow we're having a party in english which is pretty exciting though it means I have to finish my self assessment on my editorial which I havent started but I'd rather to maths hw :p So I'll just do the english self assessment tomorrow morning or something as she only wanted it to be sent before tomorrow's lesson I think. 
xoxo Bernice

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