Monday, December 31, 2012

Guyysssss, I just read every message from 8EN2 and omg I'm so touched by everyone's message (Jade, if you're reading this, I DIDNT CRY LOL but it was so sweet what everyone wrote that I wouldn't have minded tearing up a little (; ). I don't think I wrote good messages at all to everyone :( Seriously, that day I felt total mindblank and I was rushing so much and so it was so formal sounding and I'm so sorry for everyone who was in my class last year - especially if I know you well, that I didn't write very personal amazing messages :( But love you all!! <3 Happy New Year and I thank you all for your sweet sweet messages :D They pretty much just made my day and I understand why it was good to wait till new years coz it really does start the year off amazingly. It's like MAJOR self esteem boost LOL but just so touching to read. I feel so happy and grateful and special and omg, just so happy I can't even describe it to you all!

For some people,they wrote anon messages - some I can guess, but others i have no clue LOL. But that's just clueless me :D Anyways, I hope you all had amazing messages and you felt so happy and I wish you were all here for me to give you a hug <3 I'm gonna keep this envelope of messages forever since these messages are so sweet and it's defs something I want to do with my class every year!

Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR. I hope this year is just so amazing, infinity times how happy and joyful I'm feeling right now. Best of wishes to the coming year as well as those to come and good luck to all in studies and such!!!! It's been such a pleasure to write this blog and know that people actually read it and that I'm not just posting on the internet for no one to read and getting 0 views. So yes, hope you all are so so so happy and that you all have an awesome 2013!! (which also happens to be the first year in ages to have all the numbers to be different. My sister told me that LOL and then I thought about it and was like WOAH. Since the last year with every number that was different was 1987 (: )

Thanks for making 2012 such a wonderful year and I'm glad the world didn't end (;

xoxo Bernice

P.S. Check out my scented candles :3


  1. LOLOL i thought it said 36 hour bum time. And I was like !???! BERNICE! Wtf you buyin' nowadays, 'cause I hadn't read the post yet ;) LOL

    1. LOOOOOOL. That's a bit out of character for me don't you think? :p

    2. weeelll iono! You could've taken a turn for the wild :OO
