Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Concert

Last night was the Christmas concert but before I talk about that, I'd like to explain the events which occurred beforehand.

So during school only really went to the yr 7/8 rehearsal, cbf to go to the all ensembles rehearsal LOL and then I'd have to like give money for a gift and well I only had money to buy dinner after school so yeah. Though I only remembered the giving money for a music teacher now. Oops. Anyways, after school I went with Monika and Shannon and we wanted to goof around LOL coz we're weirdos.

We took the roles of Shannon and Monika speaking in either an Asian or Irish accent and me (seeing how I am an absolute fail and i dont want to be a retard trying something and failing x infinity), I became a mute. Pretty difficult as Monika stated I was like loudest of the group LOL and I laugh so easily sooooo, it was very restricting to only be able to smile a really wide and funky grin LOL. Originally we were gonna pretend to be weird cheapy asians and calculate prices in stores to 'find the cheapest price' but we forgot all about it after wandering around the QVB, browsing stores as well as hopefully running into Monika's uncle who was at places that whenever we went to, he was mysteriously not there.

After further exploration and awkward lift confusions and seeing the same waiters again and the same level of country road we finally found our way to the big christmas tree which was the meeting point to meet up with Monika's uncle. I saw Santa. And an elf (who was awfully tall for 'santa's little helper'). And a fairy. And someone else was dressed up but I can't remember their outfit LOL.

In the end, the people who worked at T2 were probably sick of us trying tea (we came back a few times...LOL). Then we went to this New Zealand ice cream place and after lots of debate and signalling, I ended up accepting Monika's uncle's (didn't that sound confusing o.o) offer to buy me ice cream (THANKS even though he doesn't read or even know my blog LOL). After Shannon convinced him she was not hungry, he attempted to make her jealous by enjoying his ice cream LOL.

We waited at Town Hall station for Monika's mum and lil bro (who is adorbs but weird. He believed i was a fish. Then a house. Not sure if I should be weirded out or not). They may have gotten lost and in our wait, Shannon urged me to finish my ice cream quickly because there was a hobo, though he didn;t look like a hobo. But he was drunk I think. And we were like laughing and discussing 'don't make eye contact!! look away! or he'll come and talk to you!' and that happened to an unfortunate person. Idk what fashion sense he had but he had a roundish belly and was wearing what appeared to be a crop top... O.O Anyways, I'll skip through lots because I am going on and on and I haven't even reached the xmas concert and this all happened from like 4 ish to 6:30 so yah LOL. But my sister met us in the food court and we went back to school.

The actual christmas concert was alright. Monika and I had to like full on 'break in' okay more like sneak into the school to go to our lockers and just our luck. A teacher was on her way. I had a feeling she was walking down the corridors and I didn't want to get caught like hiding so Monika and I left our hiding spots in the stairwell and behind the lockers and we just told her we really needed to go to our lockers (it was as if we had just arrived..I hope) and she allowed us one minute. As we left, some more year 8s rushed in through the emergency exit door and faced the teacher. Oh well. We got changed and stuff.

I don't like SWE's performance (I'm in SWE) and ugh I was so confused. It sounded so bad :( Idk what happened. And then we didn't play all the parts we were supposed to and as a fellow player in band and I found out, we were not playing the fourth part after the second (as planned) but the third part. And we finished with that. :L It was horrible but no one seemed to notice except fro EVERYONE in SWE and our conductor. I'm so sad coz SWE is supposed to be the good one that's hard to get into. :(

The year 7 and 8 performance was fine, though I pretty much pretended to sing for the second verse since I didn't know any of the words except for 'On Bethlehem' (<-- is that how you spell it.. o.o).

xoxo Bernice

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