Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas for tomorrow!! (:

Merry Christmas guys!! :D I know it's still only christmas eve but Merry Christmas!! (: My dad's friend is coming over to have dinner with us but no one would answer me when he's coming and when I did get an answer from my sister she didn't know. :L I'm so hungry :( Oh well, there's yummy food on the table so when I do eat I'll be satisfied (:

Today I went shopping and I saw the prettiest dress and I think it would've been perfect for like a new years eve party but I didn't end up getting it and i honestly don't know what to wear tomorrow coz I don't have anything christmasy or red and green and I don't want to dress casual but not too dressy and formal just like dressy casual :p But i got nothing! Oh well, tonight I'll have to solve that problem.

Typo was having a one day only $5 sale and I got a pack of silver lanterns for $5, 2 notebooks $1 each and a pack of 3 pens for $3. I also bought this nice bracelet from Lovisa that I'm sure you'll find if you go there. It differentiates from a jewel, a golden spike and a white flower. It was on special for $7 so I bought it and I love it and have been wearing it all day :D

Oh and I got a pair of plain black heels from kmart coz they were $15 and they're comfy. And the heel is really low so you could literally wear them all day and not get a blister well unless you were like running a marathon or doing a LOT of walking LOL but I don't so yeah. :p
xoxo Bernice

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