Sunday, December 30, 2012

Second Last Day of 2012. O:

Another useless day, but it's the holidays, and second last day of the year. Wow. This year went by so fast, but I kinda wanted it to at times, coz school is just so boring sometimes! I hope next year is a wonderful year and year 9 being not too busy with that dreaded hw. :L These holidays have a strange feeling to me, like they feel short or going by quickly but it's not even January yet (but nearly :p). Idk. Maybe I've been thinking too much about the future recently than just living LOL. Idk.

But, I think I'm actually going to start doing New Year's Resolutions this year which is exciting since in the past I either did not care at all, thought it was a bit dumb LOL or had no clue what they were but this year I think I shall, since one I have already sort of started. So yeah, that's pretty exciting for me (: even though it's a bit lame :p For now, my main idea for a new year's resolution would be planning my budget and making sure I'm not broke because all year I've been feeling broke and I want to be able to feel rich - well not rich but not broke okay. I don't want to always miss out on shopping trips because I spent all my money on food and random things. That's what I've pretty much started, I wrote out a plan for holidays and for school days and I'm pretty happy with it but I honestly don't know how I'll manage to fulfil it since I can't really see myself doing it LOL.

Oh and just so you know, in case you were wondering (though you probably weren't LOL) I did exactly what I did yesterday today LOL.

Just getting my sister to order two bags for me on ebay :3 They're both backpacks for school, but I couldn't really make up my mind and one can be for other occasions I guess or if one breaks o.o (I have a habit of doing that somehow...) LOL idk. But yeah, I'm getting a floral one and a panda one and the panda one comes with this panda side bag which is really cute so yeah :3 My sister was so judging tho :( she was like 'didn't you just buy a bag the other day?' (my lavender bag from equip LOL) but that's a really nice bag and the material used for it is so nice and there's no way I'd risk damaging it, taking it to school. And I'd use it for special outings and stuff coz it's so pretty! (:

Plus, altogether those bags cost me $35 which is something you could spend on one bag but I'm getting 3 so I reckon that's fair :p I think my dad might be back from fishing (which I only really found out an hour or so again but he had left earlier than that). Yeah he came back with two fish but he wants to go fishing again tomorrow LOL. Gosh, he loves fishing. I liked to go but it can be so boring when there's no fish biting. My two most memorable fishing trips was waking up in the car at 5am to get on a boat with my dad and his friend and a bunch of blokes and at first I wasn't allowed on because the captain of the boat was worried I was gonna get sea sick. LOL, good one! I never get sea sick and it took a while of explaining by my dad LOL since I've been on boats many times since I was little (omg steering the boat is so fun, seriously). Eventually I went and the other guys were really funny, especially this one guy who was really muscular and I held a small fish he caught but it slipped out of my hand and when they put it back in the water, idk if it survived but they told me it did. Idk what to believe coz I swear it was floating o.o I feel so guillty if it died ;_;

Second time was when we went to this place (i dont remember where LOL but I've been there several times) and I remember pulling off the claw of a crab coz my mum told me to catch one since I found a few and I was so scared and worried for it coz I hadn't caught one, I had pulled it's claw off! Then I found out they grow new claws which is why sometimes one claw is huge and the other is tiny, coz one broke off or something so it grows a new one. My dad's friend caught an octopus o.o And that friend, he's a chef so they clean the fish as soon as they catch so they had killed the octopus already and omfg those suction cups still work for ages after they die and it was so strong that he had to use all his strength to pull it out of the bucket to show me and he's a strong man o.o

Okay, enough about fishing LOl, idk how I got there. This is becoming a long post so maybe I should end it LOL. I've spent so much time on this post, I need to get faster at writing posts LOL. And stop getting side tracked only to discover hours later that I'm mid-post LOL.
xoxo Bernice

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