Sunday, December 23, 2012

23/12/12 (Because I can't think of a title)

It's the end of the week and well I'm just tired you know? I mean so much happened even though during the past few days I haven't been doing much, well I've been improving my skills at being a couch potato :L which is something I don't want to be skilled at. My sister is watching people play bioshock on youtube. It's nice that she's watching gamers but it's not nice that she's not watching anyone interesting ==' seriously, she could have a funnier and more interesting experience. You should see that serious look of concentration on her face. She's not even playing. LOL. I also watched Pewdiepie play zombiU and LOL she panicked heaps and she kept mistakening the guy who pewdie was as a zombie coz the camera angle changes from his point of view to looking at the character when you use the gamepad. It was sah funny :p

Guys, it's 2 more sleeps till christmas! :D I'm really excited because in case  I haven't already mentioned it, but my family is going to have a Christmas lunch with some extended family and most years we always get together with one of my other sisters and her fam but this year it's both (+ some more people)! :D So yeah, I'm super pumped and I don't know what to wear because I want to wear something Christmas-y but then it occurred to me I don't really own anything in my wardrobe like that, especially for the hot weather and I can't think of anything that's red or green that I own that looks great or that I'd wear :L Oh well, I have tomorrow to find my outfit (and hopefully clean my room..but I haven't gotten far since whenever i clean my room i start off with clothes and not the mess that doesn't include clothes..LOL). 

Speaking of cleaning, if you're like me (and I don't think you are..LOL) then don't play music while you clean when you're high. Because yesterday when I was putting clothes away and rearranging my drawers, midway through I found myself dancing and lip syncing (I discovered I knew more lyrics then I'd realised)...awks. Good thing i was alone and whenever my mum walked in to give me an extra coat hanger (since I needed a few more) I was actually putting something away. LOL otherwise I would've been mega embarrassed and hid my head in shame. :p

Tomorrow I'm going to Burwood Westfields for some crammed christmas shopping and I'm hoping they have deals LOL since it's literally last minute shopping. Hmm, maybe if there is anything cheap I could get like clothes for 25th. Idk. 

Hope you're day was lovely and interesting and you weren't a couch potato like me <3 
xoxo Bernice
P.S. Posting normally again! :D



    1. LOL no thanks or I'll be all red like a strawberry O:
