Monday, December 31, 2012


My room is actually clean. No joke and it took me like 15min to clean my desk :D It's nearly 2013. Hopefully I'll finish writing this before 2013 comes but idk if I can do it. Currently I can hear people illegally setting off fireworks nearby. Oh well, lots of people I know also live near dodgy areas LOL so just hearing fireworks is fine, as long as nothing scary happens LOL.

Omg, look at what my sister just found on tumblr.
Incredible Crew: Running Errands with my Mom - Cartoon Network [HD]
It's soooo funny!! Omg LOL.

Did you know there's an eyelash on my right eyeball? No? Well it's been there for several days and so my eye feels uncomfortable sometimes and it's really annoying coz I can't take it out since I can't touch my eyeball, especially since I'll most likely end up just poking myself in the eye. I don't want to be blinded for a few moments. My mum suggested eye drops o.o no thanks! I don't fancy getting funky drops of chemicals in my eye to HOPEFULLY get an eyelash out. It's at the very bottom too so I have to pull the skin down so you can see LOL. Okay that sounds gross but it isn't if you actually know what I mean LOL. But yes, it's really been bugging me and I wish it would just fall out but it looks like it's glue to my eyeball, probably because it's stuck to the eyeball goo LOL.

Guyss, I'm really worried :( I haven't seen Shadow in weeks, what if something bad happened? :( but since she's a stray and there's a chance that some other people living nearby took her into their house, we didn't put up 'LOST' posters. She's female though and my dad has a friend who said his cat disappeared for several weeks and came back with a litter of kittens. So that's another possibility which is cool but due to the amount of animals we already have I don't think my parents would appreciate it so yeah. Idk. All I can do is hope that she's not hurt or gone and that she's doing well.


xoxo Bernice

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