Saturday, December 22, 2012

Kris Kringle :D

Hi guys. I'd just like to start by apologising for my lack of posts recently and I guess I was just so caught up in vampire diaries, the events of the last few days of school, as well as the fact that I've been too lazy to take photos of things I've gotten recently and really wanted to post them on my blog. So yes, I'm deeply sorry and I shall begin a bunch of posts (I think it'll be a bunch but I'm not sure until I'm done with them!) with Krs Kringle.

Tuesday, the second last day of school we finally had Kris Kringle and I was so excited because well, you get presents and it's really fun and there's the excitement of what you got and who gave it to you as well as reading the lovely card (unless they didnt give you a card..awks but that's fine! I mean, who said you had to give a card?). Sophia had me and if you're reading this, then I'm so so so grateful for it I love what you got me!! :D the ring is beautiful and fits and the arm cuff is so nice too! I heard you went over the budget and I'm touched (; So yes, thank you again! <3 Oh and in case you didn't see it this is what she got me:

Ahaha, you can see me taking the photo :p but isn't that pretty!! and the card too!! :D

We pretty much spent Tuesday doing whatever, not really any classwork involved and we watched Confessions of a Shopaholic! That's such a fun movie I reckon and I can sorta relate but manicans don't come to life and persuade me to buy what's in their stores...and I don't own a credit card...LOL.

xoxo Bernice

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