Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hey guys, sorry I know I don't normally post after 9pm, well I dont think I do, but anyways, I actually completely forgot to post LOL. So this post will be really short because I really don't feel like posting since there really isn't much to post about LOL. Tomorrow I will though so don't you worry! (: And maybe even some photos! LOL actually nah probs not.

After I got on the bus (hadn't even left the station yet!!), a guy on the bus got in a fight with the driver coz once the bus leaves the curb, they dont tend to pick up any more passengers and the bus hadn't left it all that much LOL. So a man had ran for the bus (well I at least assume so since I was looking out the window and I was sitting on the right side of the bus coz that gets less sun if any LOL. Didn't really see what happened but the passenger had shouted down the bus to the driver to stop and then he ran down and they started to argue about letting that man on board.

Both sides had good arguments from what I heard but I tuned out and listened to my music more. In the end the guy sits down and the bus just leaves (the poor guy just standing watching the fight through the glass of the bus windows was left behind. Don't worry though coz the next bus was arriving). The guy came back to his seat - an old asian guy decided that his seat was better and moved to it, which made the guy a bit confused but he sat next to the man either way since the other seat was in full sun. But he announced 'At least it gave you all some entertainment' LOL. And when he got off he was like 'thanks driver' since that was polite and they did fight.

So yeah, that was pretty eventful. After that I went to woolies to buy snacks for tomorrow (strawberry clouds and the shapes roadies in seasoned roast chicken). It was awks coz I saw a person I recognised though didn't know well and I don't even remember his name LOL. It was sad coz I had just entered the magazine isle and he was there looking at the electronics I think so I just walked down the hall isle and went back to the other isles and then went to get the shapes. Then, when I was waiting to be picked up, I saw a guy at subway who takes my bus :L he was with some chick idk, but still. Why do I keep seeing people i know/recognise? :L Well, it's probs just the area LOL.
xoxo Bernice

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