Saturday, December 29, 2012

I didn't do anything today :( I played sims (downloaded supernatural but i couldnt download seasons coz i dont have enough space :( ) in the morning, tried to clean a bit more but only put a pile of clothes away and watched Suits. It was very uneventful and my parents are pissed. Well it's a quiet pissed LOL.

It's so annoying, coz it's been like that for a few weeks now and geez, today is the only doing nothing day, all the rest I did something but they dont focus or acknowledge the good i do, instead they comment on everything I haven't done. Like I had cleaned up my room a bit the other day (like it went from super bomb exploded and random papers everywhere to just messy room) and my mum was like 'your room is still messy. You didn't clean it' but i did! So what if it's not pristine yet but I'm getting there.

And yesterday I spent the day clearing out one whole of my wardrobe because it was full of this huge plastic storage box, a stack of life jackets (not to mention some were really heavy), a bunch of clothes that I didn't own and were humongous on me even so (a pair of pants literally went up to my neck. WHO HAS LEGS THAT LONG. And no one in my fam actually wears that ofc and i honestly don't know why we had it), as well as a bunch of other random shit so yeah, wasn't really MY wardrobe now was it.

But yeah, my family tends to focus on everything I don't do and say nothing when i do it. I mean, say I've been super good (this happened like once LOL) and practiced clarinet everyday for a week or two and then one day I forgot to, my mum shouts at me and scolds me for not fucking practicing. Dude, I played every other day, one bad day isn't anything to get worked up about.

Anyways, I don't really want to rant further (even tho this isnt even a proper rant) but I get angry thinking about it. Oh well.

Oops, I forgot to post this. But Jade and I have been, for the past half hour or something talking about White Collar and then Matt Bomer and his kids who are so cute omg. Go google 'matt bomer and kids' LOL (on images of course) and you guys will be like awwwww. And there's this one pic where one of his kids is sitting on his shoulders with the cutest expression on his face LOL. Okay I'll stop now. Good night (:

xoxo Bernice



    1. LOL, I was talking about Sims Supernatural (nothing like the tv show) but I think you know that. I can't watch supernatural. It scares me :( I'm too chicken for it LOL. Supernatural is HEAPS scarier than Grimm :L I could watch one ep with you but not the bloody mary ep, omg seen that too many times. (Once was already too many and I think I watched it 3 times ;_;)
