Oh yeah, I started watching Vampire Diaries! (; It's actually really good but I still love white collar and I don't want to compare them. I mean in vd more happens but like white collar is amazing and awesome so yeah LOL. I'm kinda glad Anagha convinced me to watch it and whenever I do it's like Bulgarian pride LOL coz Nina Dobrev is Bulgarian. She's so pretty though! :D Oh and my sister pointed out why it's called vd (like not what anyone who made it said but what she thought). She's like 'And that's why it's called vampire diaries. Because there are vampires and they write in their diaries' LOL. Sorry just had to share that it was funny :D
I finally got Mariokart for wii coz this guy at flemington markets was selling one (brand new) for $50 and it's always $99.95 in store even without the wheel (didn't get the wheel but it isn't necessary so yeah LOL). I mean when it's on sale, it's still like $80+ so yeah. I'm really happy about that :3 I don't think I have much else to say so I'm just going to end this post here. Sorry it's short but not much happened today since I've been watching vd for the whole time I've been home.
xoxo Bernice
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