Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What to do?

I think my left eyelid crease is disappearing. Like it's lower and it's been like that for a few days though today it's a bit worse and I don't want my eyelid crease to disappear on one eye coz I don't want to look like some weirdo walking around with a double eyelid and a single eyelid. :( I googled it and omg sometimes it's not the smartest thing to google everything because sometimes it scares you. So when I googled this some people said theirs disappeared forever while others were temporary but idk if it's loss of sleep or like idk some random thing. Coz when it first changed a bit I hadn't had much sleep but it hasn't gone back.

Okay you guys probs don't care. Umm, found out who I got for Kris Kringle and I have a suspicion on who MIGHT have me but I could be wrong and I'm hoping so because I don't want the surprise to be ruined. I honestly don't know what I want. I might just say money or something from the beauty department such as like an opi or essie nail polish but then I can be picky on colours so idk. I'd say jewellery but every time I go into a store I just can't find something I REALLY want. Arghh and tomorrow we have to write our own wishlists to make it easier for people to get us stuff but yeah. I don't want stationery though coz it's just so common and I can get it so easily myself. I'd say clothes but we're not allowed. So ermm okay nvm I just can't decide!

Wait LOL I'm on the typo website. Hmm I guess I wouldn't mind stationery stuff but only from typo? I don't really feel like getting stuff from other places. Or a bag? Nahh that'd be too pricey. Or like a combination of items.

Okay I'll edit or write a new post later if I decide. Coz I am honestly not getting anywhere. Typo is having a 30% off everything sale online and today only. So it's only online and only today LOL. I kinda just found out coincidentally.

xoxo Bernice


  1. I have a permanent triple eyelid on both eyes (there's a not that noticeable extra crease that makes it bigger than usual) because I never get enough sleep. I never lose an eyelind unless it's swollen! And Jennifer and Hannah randomly get a double eyelid (they it magically appears when it's holidays LOL). So don't worry!

    1. LOL okay thanks viv <3 And I don't really mind triple eyelid coz they go away for me but a shrinking eyelid I worry LOL. Thanks tho! (:
