Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today, I'm going to actually post my post like straight away. I've developed this habit that I start a post when I get home from school and then I get sidetracked and completely forget about the post, only to come back several hours later to quickly write a post and notice I've left an unfinished post. :L So I could actually post at like 4:40 (but not today coz I was too lazy till now) instead of like 7:30-9:30 LOL.

Today was interesting I guess but a good day! (: It felt like quite a bit happened but not really. The school has officially decided that next year there'll be week A and week B coz we're gonna have 4 periods. I don't really mind it, there are lots of plus sides I just don't like the fact that there's week A and week B because, as you probably know, I have terrible memory and so, I am probs gonna forget what week it is and bring all the wrong books :L Someone please remind me next year =='

ANDD!!! I'm really happy with this LOL (you guys are gonna think I'm so lame) but I am very happy that I finished the environment website today and I'm actually pleased with the end result. I hope I get a good mark for once LOL. Coz I handed it in on time, unlike a lot of other times where I either just get it in or hand it in late :L And it was 5 pages and I did the whole bibliography today so yeah :D

Omg I just finished the post in 5min LOL. That's a record. Normally I take at least 10min (and that's posting straight away!)
xoxo Bernice

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