Saturday, November 10, 2012


You know, this morning I had this nightmare. Idk if you guys know but when I have a dream, more frequently is it a nightmare than a dream and I've only had like two actually good dreams. If it's not a nightmare it's just a weird dream that I either forget or like just dont really care about or just found really weird. But this one scared the shit out of me. I think I've had it a couple of times but this time it was different.

So I'm in like a sort of lounge room but it's rectangular shaped and pretty small and okay so the longer sides are on either side of me and I'm standing behind a bar at one end (so one of the two short sides). And I see the shape/shadow thing of a figure like a little girl/large doll and then I quickly duck and hide in a cupboard in the bar but there's no door and I always make sounds and you just hope that it doesnt come. And I'm normally with someone else and they hide in another part of the room and somehow make no sound or anything. And you know how dreams let you see areas that from your position, you cant see, well I can see the figure which is no longer a shaded figure shape and it stops like to listen (like when it comes near the bar and I accidently make a sound by shifting) and always walks up to the bar then back and it kinda repeats. It's scary as fuck. It's at this point, after several repetitions that I wake up but this morning. Idk if it was me trying to change the dream and make it end well or just something that made it change, but I threw a chair at it when I saw the figure start to appear. And omg. I thought yes! But then I saw it and it told me 'I'll haunt you forever' and whoever else I was with was next to me and so it's like for both of us I think and holy shit I woke up and was so scared. And it was still pretty dark as it was early in the morning :( Now I'm a bit scared to sleep coz I'm not sure if it's like just imagination or freaking real legit thing though it probs isnt. But still :L

I was awake for ages before I managed to fall asleep (I didn't want to sleep in case I resumed the dream or had it all over again). But seriously, I hope none of you get a dream like that coz I got so scared.

xoxo Bernice

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