Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm feeling Grimm.

See what I did there ^ (; (check further down if not LOOOL)

I'm still really bummed that White Collar - rest of season 4 or otherwise season 5. Nah it should be 4. Well either way, it comes out January 22nd. It's too far :( I mean if it's gonna be that far, I'd like it to be 2 days earlier coz then it's my birthday present. Or actually the 19th coz then it'll be 20th here :D But no. It must be a few days later :( Oh well. I did it last year, I can do it again.


I just watched the most eventful episode of Grimm. All of you will probs not understand it but whatevs!

Omg i was like so worried Bert was gonna like die or get burnt and omg. I was spamming monika so much with 'OMFG YOU ASSHOLE. GET AWAY. NOOOOOOOOO. BERT CANT DIE. FUCK. STOP. YOU BITCH' ...etc. So yeah, sorry monika!! At least you didnt mind LOL. But omg major relief when there wasnt a scratch on bert. I think. LOL. And the bad guy was the guy who plays Wendell on Bones. LOOOL.  Isn't it fun to have crossovers as such. Well I've seen him as the bad guy twice now. I much rather prefer him to be all cool and nice on Bones but he's a really good actor! I mean, I saw him play one of three bad guys in an episode of Criminal minds. And the main guy running the show made him kill the third of them coz he was 'weak' and sympathetic towards their captive. (they caught girls and made them 'put on a show' on their own private pole and then at night, put them into a cornfield and chase them with those harvesting/cutting/grinding machines and so you had to be very fit if you were the girl. And then after the game they would pretty much strangle you. And yeah, not pretty. And they had guns too).

But omg I was in such a panic coz Bert is just such a nice character, he's a bit timid and like shy and frightened but he is a mouse type vessen and it turned out Wendall (just gonna call him that since I always forget the actor's name LOL) was a vessen too even though he made himself believe he was a creepy/evil type Grimm that killed any and all vessen despite their innocence. Obviously Nick (main character) is good, but then he has to be since he's a detective in the police force LOL. And major complication with head of police force and Juliet (Nick's girlfriend but thanks to bitch lady she has lost all memories of nick :( and omg they were the cutest couple. Well one. Since Elizabeth and Peter from White Collar are adorbs together).

Ugh just go and watch Grimm. You'll understand everything and you'll just be so interested.

xoxo Bernice

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