Friday, October 26, 2012

Wow :D

So I was just rewriting my maths notes into the prettiest book I got from typo and my dad comes home right and guess what he tells me.

"Do you want to learn guitar? I got one for you" and i was like omg. Coz well I never really had a desire to like I never asked him but I went out and omg there it was sitting in this professional looking case. And it was a bit dirty coz he got it from this guy who he did a job for as part of the payment and it had been sitting in the guy's garage. (I'll post up pictures later) and it's an Ashton guitar and on the inside it's all like brand new that case and cushioned and the guitar itself has no scratches or anything. The only thing is that it's got a string missing but we're gonna go to a shop and get a new one and get it tuned and shit. And omg it's so cool!! So now, perhaps, after my clarinet exam I will be like learning to play guitar and my mum even said I could get a couple of lessons to learn the basics. It's more just for fun like I defs wont be doing any exams for it but wow. Just wow. And inside a pocket we found this album (picture on it looks a bit creepy though) and with the album, on top of it was this piece of paper and idk if it's a love letter or a song but it seemed cute from what I read from it. It had was addressed to Argentina and the girl who wrote it, her writing is just beautiful. It's like that olden day slightly but not cursive and the paper is like yellowish and it feels like it's from a book. She was writing it from Southern Ecuador I believe. I'll read it properly later, after yearlies are done. But I just had to share this coz i thought it was just so cool and that letter so sweet.

Oh and also found a guitar pick but it's a bit flimsy, I assume from lots of use so perhaps I'll get a new one too LOL.

xoxo Bernice

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