Wednesday, October 17, 2012



My clarinet exam is 10th November ;_; I'm gonna fail. NO. I must try!! I must practice. Omg. A week after yearlies. Okay, so no stress of yearlies but stress for clarinet. Ahh fuck. 

Okay. I shall practice everyday and as long as I possibly can. And somehow, I'll manage like an A. Though that's a bit high. My teacher is hoping a B since last yr i totes failed and got a C (okay I passed but it's fail in my books, especially when your mum starts to lecture you while you wait for your dad's car to pull up and you're standing there on the verge of tears in front of the music conservatorium as people walk past staring and Im fucking dying of embarrassment. Thanks mum. I defs needed that last year ;_; 

Well this year I hope her expectations arent as high and well she doesn;t get angry coz I practiced more and well grade 6 is hard okay. I mean a billion scales, 5 songs and 2 extra lists, 3 orchestral pieces, theory exam, sight reading (my sight reading is at the skill level of like a 3rd grade...), transposition (both UP AND DOWN A TONE. SHIT. I DONT KNOW DOWN. AND UP IS HARD TOO.), ear tests (whatevs they're called) and hopefully that's it and I'm not forgetting something. But omg. There's too much to know and do. I've been trying all year long (well most) and arghh, be so depressing if I fail or get a C. Please can I get a B. My mum is fine with that, well she's fine if I pass this year and omg. Then there's my nerves. School tests I can do, music exams. I am shaking with nerves and my mind blanks completely and my fingers become clumsy and omg. It's absolutely horrible. Now I cant go near the conservatorium without feeling really nervous and slightly sick in the stomach :L So totes gonna ask dad for a massage the night before. LOL hopefully that swedish massage course he did will come in handy :p

xoxo Bernice


  1. Good luck good luck! zomg if you fail no worries, in December I'll be crying to you about my barely-pass grade. Or maybe a fail grade :O

    FRICKEN HELL. I comment so much on your blog. They should fucking know I'm not a robot T.T

    1. LOL thanks, and good luck too! (: NO. You won't fail. Seriously. And no, last time I went to your place, you should've played for me :D Then I can see your lovely skills.

      And LOL dw, they'll just think wow, she's got such a nice friend to comment so much. And I'll comment more on yours :D It's actually fun to comment but I don't do it too often coz then you have to prove you arent a robot and type in the security thing and omg. Sometimes it's impossible to read o.o And i end up trying like 15 billion times. LOL

  2. Omg ikr! ^ agreed with both of you about the robot thing. its so annoying HAHA
    alright. i'm gonna clicking publish now and in about 5 seconds it will pop up :L

    1. Mhmm, ikr. Ugh, it's so annoying and arghhh, EVERY comment. You'd think they'd do that if you spammed someone but NOO they decided to do both. :L
