Thursday, October 11, 2012

There is always tomorrow... - Post #5

Tomorrow I have a Latin excursion and therefore I haven't had a jap lesson all week! It's kinda sad since I actually enjoy it..well sort of. As in, I like learning japanese as it isn't too hard like the english language (I feel sorry for everyone who has to learn it! It must be so difficult as there isn't really much structure :L ). 

On the Latin excursion we're going to PLC to watch a play called Cupid and Psyche. 

The poster for it is so pretty!! 

I hope it's well acted and performed and I know that the people had to be very committed in it as they had to rehearse during the holidays and all that so I hope it's good! That means I only have music and double computers for proper classes and miss out on a Latin double! :D 

I also hope to go back for that scarf in rubi! I regret getting it but I don't regret getting the infinity scarf (it's just a gorgeous red and it's knitted so nicely and it's so soft. If it's cold on Sunday, I think I'll incorporate it into my outfit. If it's warm then another new item of clothing! :D )

xoxo Bernice

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