Tuesday, October 30, 2012


YEARLIES ARE FINALLY OVER. Yes. Now I must practice clarinet like a madman and somehow pass my test. Anyways, enough worry about that, I'm trying to win stuff and omg. Im so sad. My mum called me and I legit went to the checkout for a free michael kors bag but then the servers were full and I lost it :( WHAT.THE.FUCK. I could've won a designer crossbody bag!!!!! :(

Ugh. Whatevs. I'll try and win the next thing that comes up coz currently it's a twitter deal so idk.

OH!!! And I forgot to mention that my passes were in my dad's car so I have them now :3 So happy. But still really bummed about the michael kors bag. And they dont reserve the item until you complete checkout.

And just had some trick or treaters...awks. Coz we dont have lollies. We just gave them random stuff. And apparently they liked them. o.o

xoxo Bernice
After Monika linked me to this fat (no offence but it's true) chick pole dancing (she was alright...) I remembered these three girls who went on Australia's Got Talent and they're amazing at pole dancing like omg.

Seriously. Like they make it cool. LOL. But I wouldn't do it. 

xoxo Bernice

'My Skyrim is Crashing'

Viv this is the song you need to see. LOL. Since you just love Skyrim.


Oh and this is the song that was playing on your tv. LOL. It's strangely catchy o.o


Go around like BOM BOM BOM. LOOOOL

xoxo Bernice

50th + Yogurberry

Guys. This is my 50th post O: Can you believe it?

I was like omg it'd be so cool if my 50th post is like celebratory stuff and it was going to be like YAY FINISHED YEARLIES. But no. Unfortunately because the PD test was such a fail we have to do it again tomorrow. And it's different questions. Well not that it'd make a difference since I don't know anything anyways but still. (tho some might be the same) and I'm in C3 for it.

Anyways, I forgot my passes today :( And omg. Idk where they are now. They were with me this morning before I played a game on my ipod and so I left without them but now idk where they are and seeing how I take the bus to the station and it's strathfield, you NEED a ticket ==' im so sad now.

Oh well bright side was that I went to yoghurberry with my sister after school! :D It's really nice and I took some photos there. And omfg. I wish their containers were smaller coz then you don't realise you're filling it up a lot (self serve) and so in total, my sister and I's froyos were $20.50 but since I was in school uniform it was 20% off so we paid $16 something. cbf to figure it out coz i don't remember.

My sister took this photo which I reckon is lovely. (Hers is the one in front. Mine is behind)

This is what I got (: 
It has strawberry, normal (vanilla) and peach froyo. The toppings are the choc wafer stick, oreos, strawberries, pineapple, chocolate chips and watermelon. 

My sisters (left) is -  actually I'm not sure. LOL. Well I can guarantee there's passionfruit, kiwi, blueberries and tim tams. LOL

We also went to various other shops just for fun. Walked into the Terry White Chemist and omg!! They had this little stand of Ulta3 (if you remember my nail polish) and there was this other one called confetti (idk why I didn't get it at the petrol station coz I said I would but in my panic I must've forgotten.. :( ) Anyways it's a glitter polish and it's really pretty. They also has like concealer and pressed powder I think but whatevs. 

I'm finding that I really really really want to go and get my ears re-pierced. Idk, I've really wanted to for ages (well ever since my holes closed up after my infection :( ) but now I want to like so much more. I just don't know how much it is and where I should go to get it done. 
xoxo Bernice

Monday, October 29, 2012


I want this. 

LOL. I really want a pro camera and I found this o.o I am in awe. 

I googled the price :( It's $3000+ OOOOO: no way my dad will get it for me :( but it's like amazing. The pro clarinet I might get (second hand) is cheaper than this. Well brand new it wont be well maybe idk. but still D':

Wait. It can also be like in the $2000s but that's still too much. even $1000 I cant get it :'( I wish I was rich :(

Oh well I feel a bit better now. Just ate mango :3

xoxo Bernice

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Yearlies today were geo, maths and pd. Pd was a total mess. I mean it took 15-25 seconds for you to get to the next question o.o and omgg I didn't know anything! Okay maybe like one thing but it's pretty much nothing. At least it was multiple choice. I reached question 43 so I'm gonna be marked out of that and other people got less or more.

Geo wasn't actually that bad but I just hope I don't think it was hard and then get a really bad mark.

Same goes for maths which I was 2cm away from finishing it :( I skipped the frequency histogram right and finished the rest of it and came back and drew it up. Omg one last column (2cm high) and it was like 'pens down!' D:


Sing this in the tune of 'well he's a jolly good fellow...'

I need to study latin,
I need to study latin.
I need to study for latin !
Or else I'm going to fail.

LOL okay that was lame but I came up with it off the top of my head. Well not really I just suddenly sang it in my head.. o.o LOL whatevs.

I'm going to start studying Latin now. Well I'm going to start writing down all the vocab i don't know so that hopefully I am able to translate the shit tomorrow. Oh and i need to read the cultural info. :p Why am I doing Latin ;_; oh well. Ms Chau said that she'd be sad if I fail as she told me in class when I stated I was going to fail LOL. And that all the 'hard work' I put in was going to waste. Oops. Anyways, might only post once or twice later today.

xoxo Bernice

Game on.

So we found out that my laptop's virtual camera has a 'game' function. So there's the symmetry thing which shows your face symmetrical of both your left and right side. That is terrifying. I'm glad my face isn't symmetrical. Anyways there was another which was vs. and you take or upload photos (either group or single) and it gives you a score out of one hundred. That thing is hillarious. And last is Pair which is when you take or upload a picture of yourself and then the person you want to match with and it rates how well matched you are as a pair.

Wow, we sure had fun.

Group competition:
We just don't understand why the first picture got 72 and lost. It's just so beautfiful (although on our first attempt with us in the exact same poses as the first picture, we got a 0. Unfortunately I wasn't able to capture the moment.)


Viv thought I should be gangsta (LOL FAIL MUCH) and she should smile sweetly. We were a match. 

We attempted me smiling sweetly and Vivian acting all gangsta but I guess we had no luck LOL

After many more pictures which weren't screenshotted we decided to try and get over 90 and we did. (:

xoxo Bernice


And of course. How can you forget? There are pictures too! (VERY long post.)

Isn't Viv just gorgeous?

Oh and here's some together (; 

So we grew afros...

This one is just so fail it's sad. (they're meant to be black eyes LOOOL)

We should defs become clowns now. 

Maybe this is where we got the idea of recreating panda cheese

You must hide your face before the paparazzi.

Crying at a Cry livestream (;

I'm not sure becoming a makeup artist is the wisest choice.

This time I didn't care about the fly it seems. Different story during the merch of venice filming LOL.

You may not be able to tell but there are flies in this image.


 It's Hallowmas...

xoxo Bernice

*Clears throat* You may laugh.

Accidental recording: 

Last recording for the day:

We have something to say: 

xoxo Bernice

Never Say No To Panda

I honestly don't know how this started but here's the best version (take 3).

So here are the other takes...

Take 1:
Take 2:

You've seen take 3 but here's a take in opposing roles...

xoxo Bernice

Perhaps a study date wasn't such a good idea...

So today was somewhat productive in Vivian and I's quest to study.

In the following video, if you don't have time on your hands skip to about 50 seconds. And at a little before a minute the real funny aspect will start and you'll see why. 

xoxo Bernice

P.S. Sorry for low quality but my webcam isn't made for creating such videos as these. And omfg my voice sounds like a three year old :(

Saturday, October 27, 2012


This morning I woke up at like 8:30 o.o don't ask. coz i dont know why. And so I start reading more Beka Cooper and omg at like 8:36? I'm guessing 8:36, I hear a billion truck horns beeping and I've heard it before and each time I'm like wtf, just shut up. It woke my dad up too and it went on for nearly 40minutes. My dad said something about a strike and they're driving really slowly up the freeway and beeping their horns.

Well that's one way to seek attention. I just wish they didn't have to interrupt my quiet reading atmosphere and probs ended up waking up the whole neighbourhood.

Gonna leave at around 12 for Viv's place (: We're gonna study. I hope. Although, I have decided to bring my laptop so that after hardcore study, if we think we've done enough (well I know I'll think that but idk about Viv LOL) and we might possibly be ready for yearlies then perhaps she could watch the La Llorona episode with me coz like I saw the promo at the end of the previous episode and was scared shitless. Well not really but scared that there was no way that I could watch it and then there was the fact that it was airing yesterday LOL. But it's defs out coz I'm currently downloading it :3

Ugh Cry has a livestream today :( Can't watch it now and I'm sure Viv is sad too :L

Good luck to anyone studying yearlies too! <3

xoxo Bernice

P.S. Here are photos of the letter and orange juice! (Ipod camera again :( cbf to go and get my sister's phone. I'll take photos of the guitar and stuff later when it's restringed! :D)

 Sorry about the varying yellow/orange :L


Guys. The love letter is from a famous singer. Well not famous famous that we know her but she's quite famous with concerts around the world (even in aus a few months ago) and yeah. It's just cool.


It mentions Ecuador and the love letter is when she was on that hike in Ecuador. It's to her lover. And omg it's so like sweet and fancy and her writing is so pretty and you know how I said it came with her album well my dad played a bit and she's really good! I think she's a bit older now tho but still. It's so cool.

I feel like I've stumbled upon a little treasure now :3. My dad said that maybe we'd get all the strings replaced so it all works tip top and get it tuned too. I'm really excited. Especially since the note came with the guitar and what if she owned and played it before! O:

xoxo Bernice

Friday, October 26, 2012

Orange Juice

I keep posting! But so many things keep happening and there's just so much to say. I'll start off with what else my dad got from that guy ==' So the guy had one of those like set up orang juice stands as in it's a trailer in the shape of an orange (like the top I think) and you open it and it's a juice bar but for orange juice. And my dad got a machine from it coz obviously there are a lot of machines and he just tried it out a while ago and woah. So he put oranges in it right (though you can use any fruit or veg or a mix) and all the like stuff came out and the juice comes out another side.

It's like drinking foamy milk but orange juice. o.o And it's so smooth and a bit thick but it's nice! And no fruit bits, all juice and from 4 oranges we got like 3 and a half cups. :D It's really cool. LOL. The machine is huge and silver, a bit rusty on the outside but it works and it's good and cool so whatevs! :D

I just watched another ep of grimm and omg. I cried ;_; this character died and she only made two appearances and both times killed at least one person but it was so sad well I cry super easily so maybe that's why but omg. :(

Oh and once again, pictures later! (: I like to use my sister's phone coz it's an sII and the camera is really good and it's just fun (;

xoxo Bernice

Wow :D

So I was just rewriting my maths notes into the prettiest book I got from typo and my dad comes home right and guess what he tells me.

"Do you want to learn guitar? I got one for you" and i was like omg. Coz well I never really had a desire to like I never asked him but I went out and omg there it was sitting in this professional looking case. And it was a bit dirty coz he got it from this guy who he did a job for as part of the payment and it had been sitting in the guy's garage. (I'll post up pictures later) and it's an Ashton guitar and on the inside it's all like brand new that case and cushioned and the guitar itself has no scratches or anything. The only thing is that it's got a string missing but we're gonna go to a shop and get a new one and get it tuned and shit. And omg it's so cool!! So now, perhaps, after my clarinet exam I will be like learning to play guitar and my mum even said I could get a couple of lessons to learn the basics. It's more just for fun like I defs wont be doing any exams for it but wow. Just wow. And inside a pocket we found this album (picture on it looks a bit creepy though) and with the album, on top of it was this piece of paper and idk if it's a love letter or a song but it seemed cute from what I read from it. It had was addressed to Argentina and the girl who wrote it, her writing is just beautiful. It's like that olden day slightly but not cursive and the paper is like yellowish and it feels like it's from a book. She was writing it from Southern Ecuador I believe. I'll read it properly later, after yearlies are done. But I just had to share this coz i thought it was just so cool and that letter so sweet.

Oh and also found a guitar pick but it's a bit flimsy, I assume from lots of use so perhaps I'll get a new one too LOL.

xoxo Bernice

Wtf. Of all stories you had to choose!! ;_;

Omfg. Looking through the eps that have come out for season 2 so far of Grimm. ;_; There's one called 'La Llorona' And as soon as I saw that my heart like skipped a beat :( Idk the horror story I think it was like this lady who's the La Llorona aka the weeping woman like drowns kids or something and it's like a Hispanic horror story. Dulce Candy (a youtube beauty guru who's just so pretty and nice and omg. Got the name of my blog from her LOL) she made a halloween makeup tutorial for it and I couldnt even watch the whole thing it was so scary. And she's Latina so she's probs grown up knowing it and omg. Now im scared as fuck to watch that ep. It shouldnt be as bad and it's a couple of eps after what I'm up to but still!!! ;_; I think I know where my mum is but idk and I'm a bit scared now. o.o

xoxo Bernice

Of all times.

Instead of studying I've been like idk, just on youtube since I got home from tutor (got KFC for lunch! well make that brunch actually :D) and now I want to start watching that tv show called 'The Walking Dead' coz like apart from watching like beauty gurus on youtube I've been watching gamers LOL. Such a difference :p And well I've seen one in particular tho part of another's as well and they're playing the game version of it and at first I was like omg I wanna be brave and watch this but the thought of a zombie apocalypse scares me. Anyways I was finally brave enough to watch it so I did and well it's really interesting! Waiting for episode 6 of it to come out for them to play (I think it's ep 6. or ep 5 but I think they just played ep 5. Idk I dont remember but either way, waiting out for the next part).

Here, I'll link you! First part was scariest for me...maybe. LOL. But one part is gross (the part where they're eating that guys' leg if Viv, Bonnie and Lily remember LOL. Well oops. Didn't really expect something gross to happen when you guys arrived o.o ) 
LOL here's the links: 
Pewdiepie (You get to see his face :p) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qozpQkUDFQ
Cry (You don't see his face but he's still entertaining and well lots of people claim to be 'preggo' by his voice LOOOOOOL. Just to put it out there) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU4upxz5bps
Oh and havent seen this one but it's one of Cry's friends - Russ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i1VJ39Ty3s

It feels like I don't have anything to with my life, including all these links or like games and whatevs. Though, on the subject of tv shows, go and sit and watch White Collar and it'll be the best thing that happened to you. Maybe. Not really. But it's really good and go and give it a go! :D

Ughh but I need to study for yearlies and practice my freaking ass off for clarinet LOL and omg. I really want to watch the Walking Dead now and it's getting really popular and I've heard so many good things! :L And I havent kept up to date with Grimm (which you should go watch. now. YES SERIOUSLY. It's like a bit spooky but it's really interesting and seeing how I get scared so easily and have horrible nightmares and I can watch it alone in my room then you can.) so I wanna catch up on that coz im pretty sure I was waiting on eps when I full on watched season 1 and beginning of 2 in like 1 day. LOL. Oops. AND!! Then I also want to watch Good Luck Charlie for funzies coz like it's funny and cute (; 

Okay. Gonna go study and download the eps of these so I can like study and watch (not the best idea and time to get such a desire as this but well - oh well. Whatevs. I'll manage. And I have a goal of getting down all the notes so that tomorrow I can have a study date with viv and we'll be all prepared - somehow.)

xoxo Bernice

Dinner + no hw + Beka Cooper :3

Just ate dinner :3 My mum made this bbq pork that i LOVE. And I had pickles too! (I only like this one brand and like style of pickles and mmmm i love them too).

AND!! REJOICE! My mum said it was alright if I didn't do my pre uni hw but she said that after yearlies i have to do it and she'd mark it. It's just so hard for me. Geez I wish i was actually good at maths but then that would kind of go against why I'm going tutoring LOL.

Anyways, gonna organise my clothes then decide what to wear tomorrow then start on the second Beka Cooper book by Tamora Pierce: Bloodhound! I finished the first last night and it was just so good!! And omg *SPOILERS* I THINK. I think Rosto and Beka will get together coz they kissed :3 So happy about that coz i was like so annoyed that she ignored and scolded him for flirting with her LOL. Beka's funny.

xoxo Bernice

R.I.P. :'( + Work. Work. Work. Work. WORK.

Omggg. Shit. I really hope these aren't bad omens but I keep seeing dead birds :( Actually not too longer ago one of my birds Citrus died :( Her baby and her hubby were like so sad omg D: And recently at school I was walking and nearly stepped on a baby bird and there were three and one was like mauled (sorry to paint that picture in your mind) well not really mauled but bloody while the other 2 were just wet and dead :(

And omg today I was walking home and on the side of the road where I was walking I see a dead myna bird with ants crawling all over. D:

R.I.P. my dear birds. But omg that's so sad and horrible and coincidental and it really dampened my day when I saw it.

And right now I was doing my pre uni hw and im totes using this app on my ipod that you have to pay for but I got it for free coz it was free for a day, and it's called brain upgrade. It plays you brainwaves and you can mix it with music or sounds of nature (on the study option and it goes for an hour and I mixed it with rain). Ughhh my work is too hard. Screw year 9. (they give you shit like a term earlier as in year 9 work starts term 4 and this shit is hard okay :( Like year 8 version is easy but this requires thought and expertise and omg. Im gonna freaking die. Can I just not give in my hw and tell my mum I can't do it this week coz of yearlies? :D Ughh but then im gonna fail on the weekly quiz which I performed well on last week ((13 out of 16! :D )). But apparently if you dont give in your hw they call your parents or home phone (whichever number you put down and well I put my mum's number.)

I use brackets too much and they go on forever.. o.o

Omggg I havent done anything useful since I got home. I have a humongous pile of clothes on my bed that I've been stuffing into my closet to put away properly and fold and hang and omg im just so not stuffed and my wardrobe looks neat after I took it out but fml. I don't want to. omfg. yearlies. monday. and. tuesday. and. clarinet. exam. 10th. november. why.

I want to go and curl up in my bed until it's all over.
xoxo Bernice

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Currently I'm eating mixed berry yoplait yoghurt :3 it's so good. Like, go and buy yoplait yoghurt (the packaging should be white and there a few different ones you can get, I currently have the berry one but I finished all the strawberry LOL so now eating mixed berry which is also really good! There's raspberry too in this berry edition but i mean it's nice but I prefer strawberry or mixed berry heaps more! The other edition is the classics and it's strawberry, vanilla and mango :D All are good!!) coz it's the best yoghurt EVER. :D

Geo assignment due today - done and dusted. :D

Okay so nothing much to say about school I don't think. So I shall talk about my lesson with my new piano accompanist Jenny and she's a really nice woman! Compared to my other piano accompanists in the past she's been really easy to put the pieces together with coz idk, we achieved a lot in half an hour while the others I would spend like 1 to 2hrs and a couple of get togethers. I think like another 2 sessions and I'll be ready (: She has a son too, I think he's like in early twenties. I think he was wearing like boxers or something.. awks. Anyways, her husband has been collection the china like crockery or dishes whatevs they're called and wow. It was in the music room (the room with the piano and drum kit) and it literally covered a whole table and was in cupboards and stuff and they were all the same like edition. It was impressive. She also has a very nice house tho I don't like her gravel driveway that you have to walk on to get in coz I thought I was gonna trip and totes fall and land face first LOL. And I think she has a cat!! A really nice ginger tabby cat and awws so cute and fluffy.

And OMG. GUESS WHO I SAW. So we were running late to the lesson and it was like nearly 5:40 I think idk and we were waiting at the traffic lights and heaps of people were crossing the road from a station (I'm guessing Beecroft since we were in Beecroft LOL which I must say is a really nice area well from the part I saw anyways) and they were all business people. And omg I saw this guy right and I was all like hmm he looks familiar...Omg is that!?! And after a few steps I saw how tall he was and his face and omg. You'd never guess. I saw Mr Cox. o.o And I think he saw me but I didn't want awks recognition so I turned away and the light changed and we turned LOL. But omg it was so weird!! But that means he didn't go to London or hasnt yet. Idk. But it's weird I see him coz like when he still taught at SGHS I saw him at a bus stop on Victoria Rd in Balmain on the way to school LOL. Why do I keep seeing him? o.o

Omg on the way home there were several like picture perfect moments with the sunset and the buildings. One especially when we crossed the bridge over the parramatta bridge into Silverwater and it had like factory tower and buildings like a silhouette and the sun was all pretty and bright behind it and the sky was beautiful and I really wish I had a professional camera and was able to take a photo.

Okay this is becoming a really long post and still havent finished my yoghurt with all the typing but I really want to see the world fireman championships or whatever it is but it's like an event in syd olympic park and I pass it on the way to and from school everyday on my bus and it looks fun to watch and they're firefighters! :D And yeah so it's like a competition for their athleticism and their amazing firefighting abilities LOL. Anyways it goes from 19th to 28th October if you're interested :D

Anyways so today was interesting (: And i'm feeling slightly less nervous for my clarinet exam and I think today I'll have a bit of a break from study coz I feel like a dull wall. LOL

xoxo Bernice

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesdayyyy (:

Again, today wasn't very eventful but P.E. was quite funny with Maliha getting people to play 'Kill, fuck, marry' where she lists 3 people and you have to choose who'd you kill, fuck or marry. LOL I didn't play :p But it was really funny. With the options ending up being character's/people in ads we'd seen in english (If you havent seen it, go see the little baby's ice cream ad o.o that man is such  creep) or teachers. It was absolutely hilarious and some options were more popular than others. 

Anyways, geography assignment due tomorrow and Viv and I actually finished a while ago! :D It's so exciting coz then it wasn't all like last minute. I'm so proud of us, well Viv did so much of the info, I did the easy job of designing (tho I did it on word coz publisher is retarded LOL). And a little info I guess...

Just ate some gold oreos :D (I think they were for the olympic games but I saw them at an asian IGA for like $1 LOL. They're not really gold but they're vanilla flavoured (as in the biscuit is 'gold' and the inside is just normal vanilla and the biscuit is vanilla too). 

I might get a chatbox soon. Well now since I have time. But once I figure out how LOL. 

xoxo Bernice

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Maybe. Just Maybe.

Okay, I might possibly pass my clarinet exams and not fail yearlies. Maybe.

Arghh it means I can't just be all chill when I get home. I have to start studying and I'm pretty much booked out for this week. I mean I have my clarinet lesson tomorrow so that gives me from 6:30 onwards to do shit coz I need to eat after lesson which finishes at 6. And then it takes me like 30min just to copy like a page of notes. I'm so slow it's like crushing. I only officially started studying for yearlies today too. :L And been designing the textbook thing for geo assignment due on thursday. Need to get that done tomorrow. Hopefully I can. And umm thursday I get to rest like a little and maybe change or something idk. Then I go to Beecroft to meet my new piano accompanist for my clarinet exam and I get to practice with her for 30min and it costs $35, slightly more expensive maybe but it's not too bad. And she seemed nice on the phone LOL. And then I get back maybe 6:30?? And then I have to study again and maybe practice clarinet. Friday morning band. Friday afternoon, clarinet practice, more study. Cramming in pre uni hw for the next morning (less sleep o.o) and then after pre uni im like totes gonna chill for an hour and relax after a busy week. Then practice and practice and study and study.

Did I forget to mention eating? omg. Where do I fit it all in? :( Well if I'm able to do this sorta hardcore study and practice routine I think I might just manage to pass yearlies and get maybe, hopefully a B (and if it's like miracle day A...havent gotten an A in ages for clarinet :( not since 2nd grade D: omggg).

Okay. School breaks and train rides and bus rides are my only relaxation time. I think I'll start using this weird thing I downloaded. It's supposed to help with random stuff like study and relax. You listen to these like beats or something. I honestly don't know if it works but if I believe it does then it should LOL.

Sorry for my complicated post. I'm off to cram in jap hw I forgot so yeah. Good night <3 (Unless I choose to post again LOL) Sweet dreams.

xoxo Bernice

Monday, October 22, 2012

Hungry Jacks + More Photos! (:

After school got Hungry Jacks with my dear friend Monika and well the Tendercrisp Chicken Burger was good, it was like the whopper but with chicken and the chicken was a bit dry but it was good! (: Next time we're swapping for sure so you can try it! ;D

And so sorry for taking your mX! :L I can't believe I didn't realise it wasn't mine.

xoxo Bernice

P.S. Here's some more photos from Sculptures by the Sea coz I didn't want to make the previous post super long with a billion photos. 

 Btw Sorry for low picture quality but I used my ipod :p And It wont let me upload more pictures :( So perhaps another post or something.. :L