Friday, January 18, 2013

Today was another blazing hot day :( But today's the day that Home Ice Cream patrols around and as soon as I heard the bells I was calling for my sister to grab her wallet and we bought some ice cream! :D We bought our usual of gold 'n' sun and then we wanted to get something else and we eventually chose the summer set because there's a bunch of different ice creams and ice blocks in there and it looked good (: So today my sis and I tried the Strawberry Sundae ones which were pretty good but I didnt like the nuts on top and surprisingly, the choc on top too LOL. Idk, and the flavour of the nuts especially seemed to be in the whole of the ice cream but minus that it was really good! (: Tomorrow we're gonna try another flavour :D 

Today I cleaned up my room slightly..LOL. Only a little but that was just putting away clothes and putting clothes in the laundry. The rest of the day I was pretty sad (not emotionally LOL) coz i was playing aveyond - oh and watching castle when I was re-painting my nails and the times that I was eating. I'm using my new nail polish today and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the colour. It's like a really dark blue but not quite navy, it's like darker than navy but then when you look closely or when it catches the light you can see these little tiny glitters of blue and it's just so dazzling. I still need to apply a second coat on my right hand but that's coz I wanted to play aveyond and do other stuff on my laptop and I couldnt wait for it to dry once I'd applied it. Maybe I'll take a photo tomorrow or something but it's so pretty and I actually wish I got some other colours but I didnt have the money for it and we had to leave soon so perhaps I'll buy more polishes on Thursday (: 

Oh and guess what, I accomplished a lot in Aveyond today, I'm so proud (; LOL okay it's not much to be proud of but I rescued 2 druids today and I think I have like 4 left or something, idk. And umm I completed a bunch of side quests and even tho i still have a lot to do and I am yet to visit the southern isle, it feels like I've nearly finished which is sad. Whenever I finish Aveyond I feel sad, coz it's over and it's like a happy ending (well what you choose LOL) but then you do the next one and the character from earlier is already long gone but mentioned in the next. In Ean's Quest, for Rhen's case, they mention how she was a really good ruler of Thais. 

I think my dad just cut watermelon :3 But it's in the fridge I think so I can eat some when it's cold :D Just realised, I only really ate lunch today o.o Omg how unhealthy am i? :( Idk, in the mornings I might feel hungry but I dont really want to eat, I feel like the only thing I'd have would be a drink so I tend to just drink in the mornings. But then, when it's really hot I dont feel like dinner and I dont think I've gotten a proper dinner in a while or a few days LOL. Oh, just found out, tomorrow I'm going to my parents' friend's place for dinner so I guess tomorrow I'm gonna have a proper dinner :p Hope we dont get back too late, I think I'll want more watermelon if it's hot still LOL. 

I feel so unhealthy now LOL. I mean, one of my other sisters, Oli, she got gym membership for a month to try it out (it's an all women gym but you can only join if you're 16 and over) and so she and two of her daughters (one of which is just slightly older than me but looks older, like the people at the gym didnt look at the d.o.b. and assumed she was 18 o.o) go everyday, like morning and afternoon/evening classes. Membership is expensive tho so yeah. But then I told them about fitness first holiday deals for people 14 and older and so next hols we're all gonna apply and gonna go together (: Hopefully I got a few times alone or just with my sister or something before I go with them so I dont seem majorly unfit...LOL. I was gonna like go on morning walks with my sis and take my dog but it was so hot this morning (even when it was like 6-7, it was already sunny and hot looking) that I didnt want to. Oh and if you're wondering, I did not wake up at 6-7 to walk around on the newington paths, I was having a horrible night's sleep. I woke up every hour or so :( that wasnt very fun :L and when i decided to get up at like 8:40 I was so tired but I didnt feel as if I should wait till 9 coz I wasnt sleeping well. 

Oh and one last thing, I forgot to tell you but we named the baby Nemo (: Though I must say, Nemo has an obsession with pecking/knocking on things o.o it's really weird but funny LOL. 
xoxo Bernice

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