Friday, January 25, 2013

Australia Day

Hey guys, so quite a bit happened today. At around 12 maybe, two of my neighbours were fighting (verbally but from the other sounds, they could be fighting physically or just hitting or throwing things in anger) and there was so much swearing and I was a bit scared and wondering whether or not to call the police. If I had called, then it would've been too late because the girl left eventually and yeah. When my parents came home I told them and they wanted to go to IKEA so I decided to come along and when we came out we saw the police and we were thinking it was for the fight but it turned out my mum's friend who's also the landlady of that house had called because (this house is split into 3, with each part being rented out) and in the front part, remember my rant about the guy who never paid rent? Well he finally left (claiming he'd only pay if it were $2.50 a week. WTF??) but apparently some random guy had moved in LOL. 

Slightly awks when he answers the door to the police and he's a big guy with a beard and looks a bit like a bikie LOL. I wonder what his explanation was :p So we went to IKEA and omg the showroom level with everything, omg it was so nice (well some) and omg I loved this one room (well I loved a few but one of my favs was the first we saw) and it was this room that was maybe the size of my room (coz it only showed part of the room I guess). BUT THEN there was another added section to the room that was only split by I think different rugs and this curtain and it was this wardrobe (so walk in). I want that wardrobe. All the different storage sections and then a mirror on one side with hooks on the wall to the right of it (oh it's so hard to explain) so it was also a bit like a change room but it was long with places for shoes, bags, clothes, make-up, jewellery, everything. And I saw quite a few desks I really liked. 

In the end I got a new bookshelf for $69 LOL (smaller than my current one but it's not like i have a ton of books) and it's really nice. I could've gotten one that had blue on the inside or orange but I got black and white (pattern of sorts) coz that would suit everything and my books wouldn't really have to match as they had shown in example. I also got a bin coz it was $3 and I need a bin LOL. 

When we came back, we saw police in our street again ==' it sounds like I live in a crazy place now but that's only today, it doesn't happen often or on any other day, only on occasion but that's like twice a year. The were different police and at the corner house (idk if I've told you all about the corner house but to keep it simple, fat scary witch lady lives there. No offence but it's not my fault she only glared at me and was fat and dressed like a witch and had hands like a witch) and one was walking up to the front door while the other was talking to a lady living across the road. 

So much happened o.o AND OMG CASTLE AND BECKETT ARE FINALLY TOGETHER. It only took them what 4 seasons? (well 4 years in the tv show). Well they're not dating or anything but they did have sex and both confessed feelings to one another but I've only watched up to Season 5 episode 1 so idk if the rest will find out in ep 2 or in a few eps or anything. 

Oh and happy Australia day! (<-- is that what you say? Never really thought about it and never really celebrate it LOL, how un-Aussie :p but seriously, what are you supposed to do? It's not like Christmas when you give presents or chinese new year when you give money so idk). 

xoxo Bernice

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