Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Soo my trip to Forster was boring as usual, well apart from the hilarious convos my family had, with my dad making up stories such as 'Omg, that person fell down' and seeing how our views were blocked, we'd all turn and stare, laughing about the idea of someone falling off the boat they're trying to get on. This makes everyone else turn to look at what we're looking at. My dad then says 'omg she fell down. she fell down' and we're all laughing and then this guy comes and my dad mistakened a male worker for female coz his curly hair was a bit long LOOOOL. And then I started to laugh really hard (btw, in case you're confused, he didn't fall down) and my mum didn't get what was happening but since I was laughing so much, my dad did too and then my sister had to explain it and we all started laughing. 

Unfortunately, I got my period in the middle of the day that Saturday soooo for the rest of our stay i was extremely uncomfortable and I think i started PMSing a bit. Idk, I felt so angry at my dad's friend there coz she's a doctor and she tells me if i have my laptop on my lap my ovaries are gonna explode o.o and something about my laptop exploding too? Idk, her english isnt amazing but I turned off my laptop and omg she keeps repeating it and my mum even told me to shut down my laptop (was in the middle of an interesting ep of castle :( ) and ughhh. I get that the radiation isnt healthy but my ovaries arent gonna explode unless my laptop does and that's not gonna happen! 

On Sunday, you'd think things couldnt get worse but then my dad mentioned this story of a 10-12 year old girl dying in a pool and it was something about drowning, but then his friend corrected him with a different story and fuck that was so gross and I felt so sick and so bad for that poor girl and anyone who witnessed it. And it's all I've been able to think about and because of my imagination I can even imagine it and when they said that story I was like about to cry coz it was so sad and I was PMSing and omfg. That's the saddest thing ever. I won't tell you guys coz for the following few hours after I was told that I was so sickened and sad and it was just so gross and painful sounding :( Seriously, that was scarring. 

Fortunately, my sister and I saw a few eps of vampire diaries (trying to get her to watch it but she's nowhere near enthusiastic! She likes it but she doesnt want to watch it if that makes sense..) and doctor who (she bought several series of the DVD coz they were $45 each at JB hi fi which is really cheap for doctor who. 

I'll edit this and add photos of a kookaburra later :3 Or a separate post of photos (sorry didn't really take many photos...and I missed some really nice scenic photo opportunities on the way but I didn't get to take photos :( ). 
xoxo Bernice

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