Friday, April 26, 2013

On Wednesday IRON MAN 3 CAME OUT :D So Monika and I went and watched it and it was really good. I also saw the Thor trailer AHAHAHAHA. I'm sorry, tumblr thing. People watched it and were spamming my tumblr dash. Loki's hair was the latest big thing (well now it's Moon Moon . . .). But yes, the Thor trailer spazzing was not about Thor as much as it was about Loki's long hair LOOL and one of my favourite posts were a photo where someone editted Loki's head onto the Mona Lisa.

Pretty damn good editting skills aye?

Oh and today so I see this post (it's linked soz too lazy to screenshot or anything): 

I liked it because it was funny and then after showing it to my sister a few hours ago I realised how fucked I was. I'm on tumblr nearly 24/7 and it's blue. My laptop is blue. MY BED SHEETS AND QUILT COVERS  AND PILLOWS ARE BLUE. I HAVE A BIG BLUE TEDDY BEAR ON MY BLUE BED. 

As if things couldnt get worse, I just painted my nails this morning with this nail polish in beguile which is a really dark blue with teal specks/shimmer in certain lighting. yaaaayyyy. ==' 

I'm not even crazy about the colour blue but it all sort of just happened. Well good luck to me on sleeping. 

Anyways, so Iron Man 3 was amazing and omg i missed an extra on the end coz i thought all the extra shit ended by the credits and when my sister came home from watching it yesterday she told me and i was like 'shit i missed it' and 'NO I DID NOT KNOW ALL MARVEL MOVIES HAD EXTRA SCENES AT THE END AFTER ALL THE CREDITS' ;_; and it had the hulk and tony in a scene and it was funny (my sister told me what happened). So if you go watch it, stay till after the credits!

Oh and this came out yesterday and it's the cutest fucking thing and now people on tumblr who havent seen it are seriously confused as to why marshmallows are being called popcorn. But yes, watch this and episode 1 but I'll put episode 1 first so it's in order but omg west collins is the cutest. 

                                                                         Episode 1

                                                                          Episode 2

Today I watched the latest ep of TVD and I really liked it. It acted as the pilot to the spinoff series the originals but because now Hayley is preggo with Klaus' baby everyone on tumblr is hating and shit and OKAY THAT WAS A WEIRD AND A BIT DUMB IDEA. ESPECIALLY WITH WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BABY WHEN IT'S THE BLOODY FULL MOON BUT THE REST OF THE EPISODE WAS REALLY GOOD OKAY. I kind of just loved Elijah more as well because of all his respectful, old fashioned and well-mannered personality and how he just doesnt deal with anyone's shit. Then Klaus' sort of payback to Marcel AHAHAHAHA where he bites a vamp in Marcel's inner circle and he's all like (this is along the lines of LOL coz I cant remember word for word) 'he's gonna be dead by the end of the week which means I broke one of your rules. You'll have to kill me but oh that's right, I'M IMMORTAL.' In case you don't know, Klaus is an original and so he can't be killed and he's a hybrid which is a werewolf and a vampire and a werewolf bite is fatal to vampires with the only cure being Klaus' blood. I even showed my sister the scene and she was actually interested in seeing it and it was just funny. 

There was even a bit of a klaroline scene because Klaus makes this phone call to her and awww so cute (well it was leaving a voicemail message). But idk what'll happen when she finds out Hayley is preggo with his baby AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ANY HOPES OF KLAROLINE HAPPENING? :(

Oh I finished season 5 of spn. I think i should do the holiday hw given :p but i dont want to LOOL. 

xoxo Bernice

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