Monday, April 8, 2013

I didn't end up going school today, i think my cold is coming back in full circle - hopefully, coz I have a sore throat again (just not a bad one) but I'm coughing and sneezing and my nose is runny so idk. Probs will go to school tomorrow, anyways I need to finish my textiles. I just hope I don't regret going LOL.

I totally just wrote a full massive rant on my dad but then I decided to scrap it because it's just making me more pissed thinking about it but let's just say he's been having mood swings at dinner :L

Anyways, I don't have much to say because I didn't do much today. Though I had this tiny panic attack when my mum was asking me if I wanted to bake sweet chilli chicken tenders for school tomorrow (lunch) and I spaced out and questioned whether I'd done the geo test and started to panic thinking it was tomorrow then I realised I'd done it and I was just going crazy for nothing. I don't even know why I was that panicked, I mean, it's not like the yearlies or something LOL and even then I wouldn't panic that much.

Oh yeah, people are at the junior dance atm, LOL, I totally forgot. Good thing I wasn't planning on going coz I wouldn't have been up for it and just wasted $10 which I could've spent on something better. Congrats to them as they would've done cross country last period I think..would it be last period? I think so. Omgg, i cant believe it got changed and so years 7-11 all have to do it now. Apparently when my sister called in to say I was sick, the lady was like 'She's sick?' like straight away and my sister reckons lots of people said they were 'sick' coz of cross country but HEY I'm actually sick. Part of me wishes I went to see the doctor LOL to get a doctor's certificate and shit so I wasn't just one of those really unathletic people even tho i probs am. There are 3 types of flue going around atm apparently, swine flu is one of them and sydney's flu season just started and it's gonna be big or something, idk. I just hope that after I recover I don't get sick all over again coz that would suck.

Okay I'm bored and don't feel like posting anymore.

xoxo Bernice

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